Tuesday 24 May 2011

the dark knight rises poster bane

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  • zync
    Jul 28, 11:03 AM
    When Microsoft claim that their investment might not pay off for five years, they're paving the way for failure. For the next two or three years, when pressed about the lack of profits, they can claim that the payoff will be in a couple of years from then. They won't have to actually admit that they've failed until after 2010. It's not dissimilar to Bill Gates claiming that there's an 80% chance of Vista shipping on time, it sounds positive, but few people believe it actually will ship in January. It's just paving the way for the next excuse.

    It's very important that Microsoft try very hard with Zune. They keep claiming that the iPod succeeded simply because of slick marketing, whereas everybody else knows that it succeeded by being an attractive proposition, combining style with ease of use. It was word-of-mouth publicity that really worked for the iPod. You can't buy that, it added massive value to the money that was spent on advertising.

    So here's Microsoft's opportunity to look at the last five years of the iPod, together with three years of iTMS, take it all in and apply their 'innovation', show us the ultimate product and then spend a fortune marketing it. There must be no doubt that Microsoft must be seen to throw everything into this project. Then Steve Jobs will be delighted to rise to the challenge and delight in humiliating Bill Gates.

    I really like that last paragraph, lol. I seriously doubt they'll even pose competition. There was an image that was supposedly an actual Zune player, and if it is it's already paving the road for failure.

    Honestly Microsoft will fail, and it's not because they are going to take forever to show anyone anything. Microsoft will fail because it doesn't understand the demographic it is trying to produce a product for. Microsoft may cater to business and such, but in the eyes of teenagers, many of whom are anti-establishment, Microsoft is simply not cool. Not only is Microsoft uncool, it doesn't understand what IS cool.

    Meanwhile, Apple is a huge corporation, and yet even people who hate large corporation love Apple. Apple knows how to market. Apple continuously sets the standard for good design year in, year out.

    Steve Jobs is cool. He's funny. Most people just think Bill Gates, though simply a figurehead now, is the devil (despite that recent huge charitable donation). Steve Ballmer is an oaf. Microsoft has neither the image or the talent to fight this battle. Hell, they've even started to slowly lose the grip on the industry that once held them so dear�business computing.

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  • dextertangocci
    Aug 15, 01:30 PM
    What is that "springing" option with the dock?

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  • d4rkc4sm
    Apr 27, 05:54 PM
    You people really have problems. I feel sorry for you. That you would sit here and say things like this is just sad. Just what exactly is wrong with you? What is it that makes you so callous? Is it boredom? Or is it just fun for you the be this way?

    lol. you have a huge boulder on your shoulder.

    the dark knight rises poster bane. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • rw3
    May 2, 12:15 PM
    Apple Store employees know ZERO about future product releases except for what they read on MacRumors and the like on the internet. They are given no prior knowledge to a new product release.


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  • mscriv
    Mar 1, 10:38 AM
    I heard some radio jocks this morning say that they think this whole Charlie Sheen thing is a bit. Kinda like the whole Joaquin Phoenix thing or a radio shock jock who just goes way over the top. Of course the partying and lifestyle is real, but they were talking about this present media tour and the crazy talk he's spouting. It all equals more publicity for him, the network, and the show.

    After thinking about it this explanation sounds pretty reasonable. If it's not that, then as many have said he's had a break with reality of some sort and the eventual end is not going to be pretty.

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  • Surely
    Jan 31, 04:55 PM
    That just looks ... well not like something I'd stick in my coffee.

    What what....


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  • OliverOSX93
    Apr 26, 09:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I would have thought they would have a 24 / 24.5 inch screen. If only to make it match the 13/15/17 screen sizes of the MBP.

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  • ipader
    Apr 13, 02:21 PM
    How do these analysts earn money? Who ever pays them, should be fired. If we have to wait until September for the iPhone/iPod refresh, it's going to be 5 long and painful months putting up with all this crap everyday from the rumormill.

    The closest I could see to this might be a rebranded Samsung set that contains an ATV, sold by Samsung


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  • addicted44
    Apr 22, 04:25 PM
    My favorite iPhone design was the first one. Bring back the aluminum and rounded sides. It's not comfortable to hold this iPhone 4 brick!

    Currently using the original iPhone (don't ask...I lost an iPhone 4, and a 3GS, and thought it better to wait till iPhone 5 before springing a decent sum of money for a new one), the aluminum looks seriously dated.

    Although, maybe it will look a lot sweeter if they made it iPod Touch thin...

    the dark knight rises poster bane. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Moyank24
    Apr 29, 01:28 PM
    I'm sorry but I forgot to add that Moyank24 died in the last story.

    Well, that's a bummer. Now I'm stuck with Appleguy in the afterlife ;)

    Hopefully their scan is much more clean. Good luck.

    Couldn't agree more. Good luck and take care of yourself.


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  • SamTheeGeek
    Apr 14, 06:31 PM
    I'm buying this !!!! OMG i cant wait !!! I already got the black one but the white looks just ...... soo .... beautiful :rolleyes: I'm getting it !!!!!

    the dark knight rises poster bane. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • iApples
    May 1, 11:20 PM
    the sad part is that the US in most terms failed to capture him since it took over ten years. It's like entering a race and losing 99 out of 100 races and then suddenly winning the last race and obtaining victory, when in doubt, clearly was not enough.

    Yeah it's true. Even though it's something the US should be happy about.. In reality it's really an eye opener. It took one of the world most powerful Countries 10 years to find one single person. That's more of a loss in my books.


    the dark knight rises poster bane. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 12, 09:44 PM
    Rented Lucky Number Slevin in HD. Amazing movie!! I really loved it.


    I love me some Lucy Liu now :D

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 29, 04:16 PM
    The artists must be thrilled :rolleyes:

    If they sell more songs, amass larger fanbases and get more people going to live events and concerts I bet they'd be thrilled too. (Norolleyes)


    the dark knight rises poster bane. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 11, 02:42 PM
    I've seen what TB can do and it's great. But what I'm saying is that it will be HARD for TB to step into a USB-dominated computer industry and just kill USB altogether from all angles. Will TB be faster than USB 3.0?...in real world use by 90% of the consumers/prosumers out there? Maybe. Maybe not. It's like asking Bluray to come in and just dominate the DVD market...it's been trying and 3+ years BluRay is doing well, but the average Joe understands he needs to re-purchase all this movies as well as purchase a hi-def tv and stereo receiver to take advantage of all the features of Bluray (I love Bluray, by the way). It's time, money, and not everyone sees the value or HAS A NEED for that value.

    Will people throw out all their USB devices and twiddle their thumbs waiting for TB devices other than hard drives (cameras, printers, video cams, keyboards, mice, flash keys,)? No. Of course not.

    Speed vs. Speed is 1 argument...versatility is another. But again, what I'm really saying is to look around you and ask yourself if the world is just going to dump USB technology for TB? Nope. TB will likely coincide with USB 3.0 just like eSATA and Firewire.

    We'll see in a few years where we are.

    My issue with USB has always been that it goes through the CPU. At the speeds of USB 3.0, this could really bite performance.

    the dark knight rises poster bane. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • IJ Reilly
    Jan 29, 05:01 PM
    I'm not a big fan of technical analysis, since it tends to ignore everything but share price over time. In my experience technical analysts are wrong as often as they are right.


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  • ChazUK
    May 1, 05:48 AM
    Yup, and that's irrelevant to the discussion. Phones that aren't granted access to that market are still counted as Android devices.

    "Smartphone OS" is a totally meaningless metric. It's as useful as "laptop OS" versus "desktop OS". Yes, you can report on it, but it begs the question "why?". And the answer is (9 times out of 10) "to make us look good, even though we're losing the battle that really counts".

    I'll agree with you that phones that don't include Android Market are included in total figures but the big players in Android are the likes of HTC, Motorola, LG, Samsung e.t.c who all include access to Android Market, not to mention Google's 350,000 activations a day that all have access google services and in turn include the Market.

    If people can't wake up to the fact that with regards to smartphone os market share, this is the way it's always been then that is their issue. Of course total iOS penetration can be counted in a different metric and there is nothing that anyone who wants to bash Apple can say to the massive success they've had. iOS is an unrivalled juggernaut as it stands today.

    Where did you pluck your "This whole "smartphone OS" is something dreamed up in the last few weeks by Android apologists" Conspiracy from anyway? You must have had some basis to make that judgememt?

    the dark knight rises poster bane. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Sep 30, 11:46 AM
    Been with O2 (UK) for many years I never had a dropped call � until I bought an iPhone.

    My signal is good, full bars on 3G and 2G. Dropped calls, calls failed happen regally.

    I also hate sitting on a train, everyone else who does not have an iPhone has full-good reception, iPhone displays "No Service".


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  • IJ Reilly
    Jan 28, 01:14 PM
    1) Not really. The current quarter beat expectations. The worry is about the coming quarter.
    2) iPod sales are not dropping. Unit growth rate was lower.
    3) MacWorld announcements really don't matter.
    4) Define spectacular.
    5) Lower than who expected?
    6) The China market issue is unresolved.
    7) iTunes is not a major profit center for Apple.
    8) Possibly, but see above.
    9) Possibly, but see above. And this is also old news, which did not hurt the share price when it came out.
    10) Apple's margins were way up in the quarter.
    11) This is true.

    Bottom line: It's not always possible to rationally explain why the market does what it does on a short-term basis.

    IJ Reilly
    Jan 27, 11:35 AM
    True, that's why I like to look at the PEG Ratio (P/E to Growth). If we take the current price of 130 minus cash net of payables and receivables (approx $17 a share), you get 113 for the "enterprise" value of Apple. I'll give it a conservative $5/share earnings this year, for a P/E of 23. According to Yahoo, we have an estimate of 30% growth this year, so we are getting a PEG of less than 1 for this year. Less than 1 is cheap, HOWEVER, it doesn't mean it can't/won't get cheaper.

    Excellent comments. Long-time AAPL investors have seen these moments of despair before -- too many times before, to be honest. The markets have always treated Apple this way, unfortunately. It's difficult to imagine Apple's prospects being any brighter. The company is moving forward on all fronts. These are times when you have look down the road instead of at the potholes at your feet.

    Apr 26, 11:28 AM
    You don't need to keep taking computers back you know. You could try and be happy with what you already own. Also why did you buy it if you knew there were new ones on the horizon anyway?

    Also, if one were to buy a Mac within two weeks prior to a new model you're entitled to just take it back for the new model, or at least that's how it used to work.

    May 3, 08:18 AM
    Good update. Nothing revolutionary, but everything that was expected.

    Apr 18, 08:38 PM
    If the new AIR is using the same Sandy Bridge processor as the Samsung series 9, you'll be sorely disappointed with its graphics performance.


    3DMark is less than half of the Air (2188 vs 4611)

    WOW ran at a miserable 14fps at 1366x768 res compared to the Air that runs at 53fps at 1440x900. Battery life is worse as well.

    Ouch. I'm glad I have c2d air

    Oct 24, 07:40 AM
    well that was about time

    good to see the ram bumb
    rest was expected

    hopefully they changed the hdd replacement
    and the heat issues

    looking foward on the macbook release
    hopefully with gma x3000 graphics

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