Thursday 19 May 2011

twilight movie

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  • renewed
    Sep 14, 11:53 AM
    ^^^^^^^ Pffft..... noob. I gots me a gold card. :D

    I'll get there! I'm just now becoming a Starbucks nerd.

    You need a card for that? Everytime I buy a bag I just get the tall coffee for free.

    :confused: I dunno. Says so online but maybe they are just gimmicking! Or maybe you have the hookup! :p

    Oh well, I'll get a gold card one of these days.

    twilight movie. Movie
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  • ddrueckhammer
    Jul 11, 08:02 PM

    When you think about it, the PSP could (perhaps should) have been the coolest thing since sliced bread with all its features and even movies and Sony's music service tailor-made for it. So what happened? Sony's atrocious proprietary scheme has made it a shell of what it could have been. I have a feeling MS hasn't learned any lessons since the "Works for Sure" campaign became something of a running joke.

    Nintendo could have done the same thing with the DS Lite. There are addons for web, music, and video for this device and the battery life would still be on par with iPods...They, probably wisely, decided to keep the price of their device down and provide these features as accessories. Not everyone needs their portable device to do everything but the iPod, PSP, and DS Lite all have the potential for being brilliant convergence devices. Microsoft's talents in this area are still untested. The cellular companies would like their phones to be ultimate convergence devices but the are too greedy (at least in America) for their own good and most of the devices come off as buggy and overpriced...It is interesting, however, that Microsoft is willing to put their Xbox brand (which is pretty well accepted) in the untested market...

    twilight movie. Twilight Movie: Robert
  • Twilight Movie: Robert

  • diamond.g
    Apr 26, 02:46 PM
    Drive arrays can easily exceed 10 Gbps - today a 2 drive RAID 0 array can hit 10 Gbps.

    Single drives faster than TBolt already exist - 12 Mbps SSD drive (

    TBolt devices haven't even hit the market, but TBolt is already too slow for many uses.

    12Mbps? you sure you didn't mean 1.5GBs?

    twilight movie. First Twilight Movie Poster
  • First Twilight Movie Poster

  • binaryskies
    Sep 29, 11:13 PM
    Yeah, I would estimate my dropped call rate is around 20-30% (Northern Virginia) sometimes higher depending on the day. They said they built a new tower near me, but ever since I got that message, my coverage has dropped at least one to two bars everywhere I go.


    twilight movie. Filed under: Movie News
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  • SciFrog
    Oct 26, 08:00 AM
    27 mins? On the 2.26 octo?

    Getting 43 mins on my 3ghz octo from 2007...

    twilight movie. Pattinson,Twilight
  • Pattinson,Twilight

  • Abstract
    Nov 11, 02:06 PM
    Yup, believe me i am looking elsewhere for a lower price if possible, and if not i am going to go to my friend that works at nordstroms and have her buy it for me, and if that doesnt happen, i am just going to by them. I have one of the shirts already and i get tons of comments on them.

    Your friends must be old. :eek:


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  • “Twilight” movie images

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 3, 04:35 PM
    That's a trip, and it's so sad. However, I think it's best for the kids. With experts seeming to rule out mental illness (which probably doesn't just come on), there seems to be a very strong appearance that he's on drugs.I don't think they're ruling out mental illness.

    "To some degree, the media are enablers," Dr. Capretto said. "You don't need to be a psychiatrist to know this is a sick man whose life is spiraling out of control...." Link (

    "He looks bipolar. He's in a particularly manic phase," psychologist Stuart Fischoff tells the website. "His reality testing has been severely impaired, marked by delusions of grandeur. His head now is as large as the moon."Link (

    Dr. Joe Calabrese , director of the Mood Disorders Program at University Hospitals, said it is impossible to diagnose Sheen without a proper examination, but also said he is exhibiting some of the classic signs of the manic phase of bipolar disorder.

    “The highs get worse and then people begin to do things that they regret having done,” he said.

    Dr. Calabrese said some of the signs include being uninhibited, impulsive, with racing thoughts, jumping from one thing to another, which is also known as “flight of ideas.”Link (

    I would bet this was a problem that's been increasing over time, and his two or three most recent, close-together binges probably brought the disease roaring out.

    twilight movie. Twilight movie soundtrack.
  • Twilight movie soundtrack.

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 29, 10:00 AM
    It's still only going to be an iPhone 4 at best like the 3GS was a bumped buy me again iPhone 3G! People are expecting loads of hardware bumps and a redesign like the iPhone 4 we won't see it!

    The 3GS was quite a bump from the 3G. Anyone thinking/claiming otherwise has never owned a 3GS.

    An iPhone "4S" would still be quite an upgrade over the iPhone 4, even if it is just more ram and an A5 chip (with a much better SGX543-MP2 GPU). And it would still very much be the iPhone 5 as in 5th Generation iPhone. Just like the iPhone 3GS was the 3rd generation iPhone to the iPhone 3G's 2nd generation status.


    twilight movie. Twilight movie poster
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  • wmk461
    Jan 30, 12:13 AM
    LOL! The market has stabilized, and the worst of the credit 'crisis' is over. The only recession concerns the housing market- which was inflated due to speculation.
    Maybe a little less NPR would do you some good...

    LOL... my friend, lets look at this logically. The United States debt surpasses every combined nations of Earth. Our currency is no longer backed by gold, 100% of our income tax pays the interest on our national debt. We transfered our producing companies to other countries. Most people have taken out equity loans on their homes and have maxed out their credit. The middle class will be no more and there is no getting out of our predicament. We are simply not producing enough money to ever get out of debt and with inflation out of control and devaluation of our currency a collapse will happen. In 1929 the good to debt ratio before the collapse was 1:16 as of 2006 it was sitting at 1:60. I have nothing to prove other than I'd cash out now and invest when this happens.

    twilight movie. twilight-movie-poster.jpg
  • twilight-movie-poster.jpg

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 02:08 AM
    It looks like Samsung is supplying the SSD in the MBA.

    Apple shipping newer, faster SSDs in latest MacBook Airs
    by Chris Foresman | Last updated 3 days ago

    Apple launched revised MacBook Air models in the fall of 2010 by going SSD-only with speedy, but custom, small outline SSD modules made by Toshiba. However, some users are now reporting that the most recent MacBook Airs are using what appears to be a Samsung-made module, which is capable of 20-25 percent faster read and write speeds.
    According to testing by AnandTech, an SSD that carries the model name SM128C turned in a read speed of 261.1 MBps and a write speed of 209.6 MBps. Those speeds are 24 percent and 19 percent faster, respectively, compared to the Toshiba-made SSDs (model TS128C) that originally shipped in the MacBook Air.
    While the manufacturer hasn't been confirmed yet�Apple has not responded to our request for comment�AnandTech believes the "SM" in the model name refers to Samsung. The site noted that the tested speed ratings are comparable to other SSD drives built by Samsung.
    We felt that the 11" MacBook Air was very responsive with its equipped SSD module in our review last fall, but a little extra performance never hurts. For now, though, there is no way to guarantee which SSD module you'll get when buying a MacBook Air, and neither Samsung nor Toshiba appear to be offering their modules to consumers. Well-known Mac upgrade source Other World Computing offers the only known replacement SSD modules for the MacBook Air, which are rated at similar performance levels as the purported Samsung modules. Our full review of that upgrade option is coming soon.


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  • Anonymous Freak
    Apr 28, 02:24 PM
    Why are you equating "cross-dresser" and "pedophile"?

    Also you do realize that gender roles and gender distinctions are purely socially constructed concepts that hold no real barring on reality.

    Calling someone "creeeeepy" because they do not fit into your preconceived notion of gender is kind of ****ed up no?

    The two were separate qualifiers. I wouldn't imagine that a male pedophile that ISN'T cross-dressing would try to walk into a womens' restroom. I was *NOT* meaning to imply that all cross-dressers are pedophiles.

    To me, "transgender" means someone who identifies as the opposite of their birth gender the vast majority of the time. "Cross-dresser" means someone who primarily identifies as one gender, but occasionally dresses as the other gender. Yes, it is possible to have a transgender cross-dresser, someone who primarily identifies as the opposite of their birth gender, but occasionally dresses as their birth gender.

    I have no problem with "regular" cross-dressers. But if they identify as their birth gender the majority of the time, they should use their birth gender-labeled restroom. If they identify as the opposite gender the majority of the time, even if they are still physically their birth gender, then I don't have a problem with them using their identified-as restroom.

    And, yes, I fully agree that calling someone creepy because they do not fit into preconceived notions of gender is ********* up. People are people, regardless of outward appearances.

    twilight movie. Sometimes a movie makes me
  • Sometimes a movie makes me

  • Full of Win
    Apr 28, 11:19 AM
    the iPhone doesn't compete against Android. The iPhone competes against all of the handsets running Android. And it's killing them. The 3GS as the second best-selling handset? That's frankly embarrassing for Android.

    Yes, the iPhone does compete against Android. The last time I went into a AT&T or Verizon store, this was obvious. To say that the iPhone does not compete against Android is silly.

    the most popular handset
    the 2nd most popular handsetBecause there is only two hardware choices, the iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS. Making this argument is so empty, in that it does not take into account the reasons behind it.

    the most popular mobile OSHello Mr. Straw man. The article was about iPhone; if you read it it states "covering U.S. mobile phone sales". Now, if by mobile OS, you are also adding in the iPad, that is debatable. I've been a iPad 3G owner since April 30th and I can tell you that I do not consider the iPad a mobile device. Sure, its easy to carry, but to lump in its sales with phone handset sales is a stretch. If you are making that stretch, how about adding netbooks into the mix as well?

    the most popular tablet. Again, the article was about the iPhone vs. Andriod handset sales, not the tablet sales. Another Straw Man approach to a comment about iPhone handset sales.

    getting "badly beaten"?
    When your sales numbers for phones are ~50% of that of your competitor; whereas a few years ago they were barely a blip, then yes that means they are getting kicked in the teeth in handset OS sales.


    twilight movie. Twilight Movie Poster
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  • Yamcha
    Apr 13, 01:54 PM
    I don't mind as long as the pricing is competitive, if its over-priced no way I'll be getting one..

    twilight movie. Twilight Movie Poster
  • Twilight Movie Poster

  • MacNut
    May 1, 11:49 PM
    Comparing him to the President shows just how twisted our population's understanding of Al-Qaeda's current make up has become. He was a leader a decade ago.

    The current iteration of "Al-Qaeda" has only the idea driving it in common with the hierarchical Al-Qaeda of a decade ago.Bin Laden was the figurehead of the organization. Him dead is still a blow to Al-Qaeda. Was he in charge anymore probably not but it is still a big deal that he is dead.


    twilight movie. TWILIGHT Movie Poster Number 2
  • TWILIGHT Movie Poster Number 2

  • stefman
    Oct 24, 09:27 AM
    It was about time......runs to get credit card :D :D :D :D

    twilight movie. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE Is

  • Melrose
    Mar 10, 09:21 PM
    I have stayed out of this one for a while, but now he has gone from "sick" to "awesome" with this video on Funny or Die.

    That was actually kind of funny.


    twilight movie. Watch Twilight Movie Online
  • Watch Twilight Movie Online

  • electronique
    Mar 9, 11:15 AM
    Woh.. Only a matter of time. Hope he pulls out of this one.

    Charlie Sheen in medically induced coma after drug binge!! (


    twilight movie. Twilight Movie
  • Twilight Movie

  • htcbug
    Apr 20, 09:34 AM
    For me, nothing can be compared to a BACKLIT keyboard. If new mba owns one, I'll buy a 13-inch one immediately and set it as my primary computer. If not, I'll turn to a 13-inch mbp...

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  • Ben Dixon
    Sep 17, 05:37 AM
    I'm all set for Gran Turismo 5 now :D

    Don't worry, your vision is fine. One of the wheels is for a friend at university.

    Nov 27, 03:49 PM
    You may need to set the unit size in config to "big", it wont take bigadv units if it is set to normal.

    yeah i forgot about that. you're right

    Oct 24, 09:26 AM
    Apparently the 160GB HDD's performance is on par with the 100GB 7200RPM and a tad faster than the 120GB??

    Oct 19, 03:57 AM
    How has Apple NOT innovated on the Mac line up?

    - Completely redesigned and absolutely beautiful architecture on the insides of the Mac Pro

    Is there anything really innovative there? I don't think so. Yes, MacPro is an example of beautiful engineering, but there's not much innovation in there.

    - MagSafe

    Apple was first to use magnetic power-plug in a computer, but the idea of using magnets is definitely not new. Such power-plugs have been used in deep fat fryers for a long time already

    - 24" all in one machine

    That's not an innovation, they simply took an existing model and made it a bit bigger. Or do you think that increasing the size of a computer monitor is an "innovation" no-one could come up with? That is a similar "innovation" when Intel releases a 2GHz CPU, and a bit later they introduce a 2.2GHz model. "Whoa, a CPU that is slightly faster then the previous model! I never could have imagined this!"

    - Front Row/apple Remote/iSight in every "portable" Mac

    Quite a few laptops ship with media-software and webcams. Dunno bout remotes though.

    - Two finger right clicking on trackpad

    Is that what can be considered an "innovation" these days? Apple has two finger clicking for the sole reason that they do not have a second mouse-button. PC-laptops have no need for that feature, since they all have 2 or more buttons right from the start.

    Sep 17, 12:21 PM
    Tell me about it! I sacrificed 2 hrs of sleep last night for this game, haha.

    And for me a 2h math class!:D

    Mar 17, 10:20 AM
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    Anyone know about fi or scp?

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