Tuesday, 17 May 2011

beautiful fishes wallpaper

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  • Blorzoga
    Mar 11, 06:45 AM
    If anyone is DEFINITELY going to Ardmore and is going to be there before 2:30pm... please PM me and I will give you my phone number and you can text me the status of the lines.

    In return, I'll throw in a SuperPoints Invite (the site costs $8 to join) but with an invite.. it's FREE

    Wow, a SuperPoints invite, just what I've always dreamed of!


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  • sushi
    Aug 7, 08:20 AM
    Crikey, thanks everyone! :o :)
    No. Thank you! :D


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  • yaddam205
    Mar 11, 11:30 PM
    I also got what I wanted; 32gb White on Verizon.
    I was about 80 something in line and was out of the store by 5:55. I'm impressed who quickly the sales were handled.

    Love my 1st iPad and the smart cover is sweet!


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  • Beautiful Cats Looking Up

  • rdowns
    Aug 7, 08:13 AM
    Wow. While I'm traveling on business and haven't had time to post the last 2 days, I had to pop in to see what this was about. Very nice, iBlue!!


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  • gkarris
    Mar 23, 08:48 PM
    Yes, got one and that tablet keypad - both new in box... :)

    Got them close-out from MacMall ($199 for the unit and $49 for the keypad).


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  • TT4T
    Apr 6, 11:45 PM
    American Eagle, I would be naked without them.
    McDonalds, simply for the Mocha Frappe.
    Old Spice Deodorant, to attract females...


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  • RLUK
    Jun 22, 01:39 PM
    Anyone spoken to them to confirm if they have a reservation list at all? :confused:

    I checked with the store to see if they were doing pre-orders/reservations but they said that it would be on a first come, first served basis. It looks like Orange have back tracked on it as they originally said that they would be taking pre-orders.

    I was thinking of heading there for about 7/7:15 ish too. The lady I spoke to yesterday at the store said that as long as you are there by about 7:45 it should be ok but that it depends on the numbers in the queue. However she didn't know what the stock would be so it was a guess.

    Guess I'll see you there :)


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  • ChicoWeb
    Aug 26, 09:50 PM
    Have you checked your MIME types on your server? I had the same issue w/ a clients server. It would just display the text URL.


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  • mag2001
    Feb 3, 01:21 AM
    trade for a 16gb ipod touch?


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  • debroglie
    Apr 16, 05:45 AM
    Also, keep in mind that many people report the VGA output as looking "washed out." I know that I did have that problem when I was using the official VGA cable, so I switched back to component.

    I would suggest springing for the elite.


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  • cmckee@therober
    Sep 27, 05:14 PM
    I have a Blue/white G3 at home and I need to upgrade, but can't afford to get what I would really like (a G5). I have 21" apple monitor, keyboard and mouse. And, I use all the graphics software: Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. Does anyone think this the lowest model of the mini macs is a good purchase for a couple of years? I know it will be out of date quicker than some of my other options. But, my monitor is really good, so I think I shouldn't go the emac or imac route. Any suggestions or thoughts out there? I appreciate it.


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  • Clown Fish Wallpapers for

  • bootloader
    Apr 17, 07:42 PM
    will that fix the issue message that I keep getting? When I boot to the desktop it always says " restart" with a error message that looks like a shutdown button..

    it will sure fix it if the kernel panics were caused by overheating, which is likely, i would give it a shot, if that doesnt fix it then you know that the problem lies somewhere else!


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  • Agilus
    Apr 11, 06:57 AM
    I actually want to play that snowboarding game (name escapes me).

    You're probably talking about SSX Blur.

    The scramble started around January for dev kits. It's going to be a while but there is going to be a surge of games coming. For better (variety) or worse (most will probably be crap).

    I'm actually looking forward to all these crap games. I figure crap games are what gave the PS1 its dominance in the market over the N64. Your average consumer says, "Platform A has more games than platform B, so it must be better," despite the quality of the games. At least that's what I remember people saying back in the N64 days.

    And with the bad games, and more market share, the good games will find their way to the platform. Plus, maybe we'll see some interesting stuff from smaller developers.


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  • Get Wallpaper

  • f4780y
    Apr 16, 07:59 PM
    Just thought I would say, I have retinapad 1.1.2 (the updated version for 4.3.1) and it works perfectly on 4.3.1. Even fixes the bugs in 1.1.1.
    So I would double check if I were you. It is neither dead nor broken as far as I can see.


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  • glen e
    May 3, 02:38 PM
    Guys - I have a presentation that links to you tube and when I go there it says I need flash - then takes me to the flash page and when I click download, it does nothing


    3 hour old MBA and a presentation tomorrow!


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  • RedTomato
    Feb 8, 04:25 PM
    He would get of easily. That rooster had it coming.

    He was ruled by his cock.

    All cock, and no balls.


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  • mac88
    Feb 15, 08:43 PM
    Pearl Jam - Live at the Garden.


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  • mkrishnan
    Jan 4, 07:31 AM
    Thank you, also, for explaining to me, HexMonkey. I have not tried writing an article in the Wiki system yet, so I was not aware of that. :o


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  • Anonymous Freak
    Jan 17, 09:49 PM
    Not terribly much, unfortunately. It's a middling system, not particularly impressive in any spec, with a built-in power-hog CRT. The monitor-less Quadra 605 is a heck of a collectors item; but this is just a monstrosity.

    It's not a horrible machine for the time, nor even particularly bad now; it's just fairly common as well as large.

    I'd estimate it would be worth, at most, $50. Maybe at some point ridiculously far in the future, if you keep it in absolute pristine condition, fully functional (means replacing capacitors at some point,) it might be worth a lot; but we're talking a long ways off, when CRTs are seen as curious antiques, and 68k Macs are as rare as hens' teeth.

    Apr 30, 02:23 PM
    More and more.

    May 6, 11:10 PM
    My Uptime - 12 hours :p

    Do you pay your electricity bill?

    Also that is one sure way to fry your Mac. Power surge can happen at any time.. Do you really trust those $100 surge boards for 24/7 use or do you have UPS.

    Also think of how much dust gets in there...

    Not smart to leave your computer on 24/7.

    Unless you are completely unplugging your computer when it's not in use, just turing it off doesn't really protect it from power surges.

    Oct 22, 04:39 PM
    i'm guessing not alot of people from the everglades use macs :confused:

    Dec 9, 06:53 AM
    how much for the shipping on the PIII board.

    also what socket and specs and make/model? Whats the highest, does it have AGP, how many RAM slots.

    I think I already claimed it ;)

    Dec 23, 06:37 PM
    Originally posted by narco
    I visit MacRumors and Spymac on a daily basis. I come here for Apple news, and go to Spymac for the gallery and forums. Spymac is a very entertaining site, despite the iWalk "leak". Hell, Apple made big mistakes too but we still love them.

    Same here.

    Well said. :)

    I couldn't care less about the iWalk. It's was just a rumor. It's as dead as OS 9. Let's move on. Spymac doesn't do rumors anymore. Apple has made that clear. It's just a community. That's why the trailer was made, to serve the community, and give a few insights as to what is coming in the next major update to the site. The administrators could have done sod-all, but decided to make a trailer to entertain.

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