Wednesday, 18 May 2011

lil jon without sunglasses

lil jon without sunglasses. saw Ne-Yo without a hat?
  • saw Ne-Yo without a hat?

  • Agilus
    Apr 11, 06:57 AM
    I actually want to play that snowboarding game (name escapes me).

    You're probably talking about SSX Blur.

    The scramble started around January for dev kits. It's going to be a while but there is going to be a surge of games coming. For better (variety) or worse (most will probably be crap).

    I'm actually looking forward to all these crap games. I figure crap games are what gave the PS1 its dominance in the market over the N64. Your average consumer says, "Platform A has more games than platform B, so it must be better," despite the quality of the games. At least that's what I remember people saying back in the N64 days.

    And with the bad games, and more market share, the good games will find their way to the platform. Plus, maybe we'll see some interesting stuff from smaller developers.


    lil jon without sunglasses. without his Ray-Bans Tom
  • without his Ray-Bans Tom

  • iceterminal
    May 4, 03:37 PM
    My apps are here: /Users/.../Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications

    can i backup this folder to a diskdrive?

    i am visiting apps that i bought via itunes and there is no any info there that i bought or not. So, if i format or change my mac then can i restore with that backed up folder?

    Yes, you can manually backup your application folder if you wish.

    If you happen to have a hard drive crash, etc. its very easy to email apple support and tell them what has happened. They will put up everything you've purchssed, and lost, backup in your download queue and then you can redownload them again.

    My wife had her laptop stolen, lost everything. One email to apple support, and less than 24 hours later she had about 60 apps and over 300 songs available to download again. It was some of the greatest support I've seen.


    lil jon without sunglasses. Lil Jon Warns Tour Entourage
  • Lil Jon Warns Tour Entourage

  • snart
    Feb 21, 08:08 AM
    Strange. Works fine for me with the latest firmware jailbroken.


    lil jon without sunglasses. quot;Big but not 80#39;s tacky shades
  • quot;Big but not 80#39;s tacky shades

  • barkomatic
    Apr 22, 08:43 AM
    So essentially this law is saying the the state government of North Dakota would cease to exist and there would be anarchy. If no one needs to follow laws, that's really what this amendment means.

    However, what makes it extra silly is that North Dakota can't secede from the Union, so the residents would still be subject to Federal law. That would spoil the party.


    lil jon without sunglasses. The glasses are by Vintage
  • The glasses are by Vintage

  • Ikash
    Jul 2, 01:54 PM
    well i've used windows computers all my life. i remember when i was litte i was amazed at what a computer could do like GAMES!! ha i've grown up on a windows computer, and didn't think windows was that bad. remember i was little. after years of Updating drivers then OOPS its crashes and the updates are ready, ready to do what screw up my computer make it crash and burn and have to talk to tech support for 6 hours.. there hasn't been a year where i haven't had to reinstall windows atlesat 20 times like last week my computer lost all my cd drive drivers so how could i reinstall without a cd i did the restore point thing and that fixed it.The first year i moved here i got a comptuer for a Xmas Presant. can't kick a gift horse in the mouth but this compter i so called go, was a Systemax you know that company the ones they sell at 3 in the morning on the home shopping network and the guys like look it can play movies and you can type AHHH well the story goes i got the computer and the video card was lose so on Xmas day my computer crashed and Burned. the whole thing got friend cuz it was lose i had to get rid of it quick so i gutted it and rebuilt it myself . i do residental and hotel network support and having to reinstall drivers or update stuff is a regular thing to me but i never knew it wasn't very nessisary with a mac well you have update but it won't mess it up.i moved to arkansas 4 years ago and i had never used a mac product. untill my friend Ijon let me use his. he told me that it doesn't freeze, doesn't crash (sound Familar) i was amazed. right then i fell in love with macs the design the way they run it was great he also told me that if it does happen to mess up you can reinstall and all your data will stay on the comp it will just reinstall the main sys files and stuff. My first apple product was a NEW 15GB Ipod i bought this year i also have a Ipod t-shirt and poster. pretty good for a starter . I think it was one of the best investments i have ever made. i am wanting to buy a new 15" powerbook but i hear there updating them really soon so the waiting, its killing me.

    as soon as i get my powerbook the windows pc's going on the bench or just for games.


    lil jon without sunglasses. dj ironik without glasses.
  • dj ironik without glasses.

  • balamw
    Apr 12, 09:36 AM
    Corona SDK could do it pretty easily. You'll want to watch tutorials from them at this site: to make sure they cover what you want.

    Why would one use a game engine that would add $200-$350/year to the cost of developing this app when it seems that the OP doesn't even want to spend the $99 for the Developer account?



    lil jon without sunglasses. lil jon and lil wayne.
  • lil jon and lil wayne.

  • heyroth
    Jun 21, 12:26 AM
    Any one planning to camp out?

    Eeep, Emeryville. Too far for me. I'll be in burlingame


    lil jon without sunglasses. without an option to buy!
  • without an option to buy!

  • pcypert
    Jan 17, 11:15 PM
    I got the GT5 Ps3 bundle and am quite happy...except for the idiotic bundling of Grown Ups?????? WTF is that and why on earth would I need that movie on BluRay? Couldn't have done Cars, Bullit (going for 10 dollars anyways and snagged it), Gone in 60 or something car related? It just doesn't make sense.

    But I did save 10 bucks on GT5.

    But yeah they are annoying. All the consoles are due for a price drop but they won't do it for a while so instead they'll do bundles for probably 6 months or so to add "perceived value". Very common marketing tactic for moving old volume. Very typical to see this at this time and it's not really going to change until the end of their life fact I imagine it'll get worse (ie Two games, value cards, etc).



    lil jon without sunglasses. Lil Jon Ft. Claude Kelly - Oh
  • Lil Jon Ft. Claude Kelly - Oh

  • Macsavvytech
    May 4, 02:22 AM
    Simple question...

    on the '11 models... would bootcamp be good on a 13'' (either model)? and how much of a difference would there be in a 15'' (low end)?

    Thank you :)

    Bootcamp isn't virtualisation, aslong as the drivers are good it should be the same/very similiar to a equal spec PC.


    lil jon without sunglasses. without doing much.
  • without doing much.

  • OzExige
    Feb 2, 07:51 AM
    Apple and every other computer maker is going to be held back. Don't you think apple had sandy bridge based computers in the pipeline

    The biggest difference is others started shipping/advertising those computers before apple

    Yeh but ...... "every other sandy bridge computer is a 'PC' and Dell/HP appear to have more stock (sandy bridge) or in the process of ramping up production, when the news broke.


    lil jon without sunglasses. without his sunglasses on.
  • without his sunglasses on.

  • yoyo5280
    Oct 19, 04:30 AM
    cool! thanks!

    same 2 you :)

    (i luv apple shirts :) )


    lil jon without sunglasses. Re: 5 Things I Can#39;t Live
  • Re: 5 Things I Can#39;t Live

  • nihilisticmonk
    Sep 20, 01:56 AM

    Looks like we're getting new products today boys and girls :D



    lil jon without sunglasses. lisa loeb without glasses
  • lisa loeb without glasses

  • zea mays
    Jun 28, 01:06 PM
    Got the socks! Thanks for the fast shipping and great transaction.


    lil jon without sunglasses. Lil Jon wearing: Niddish
  • Lil Jon wearing: Niddish

  • RebeccaL
    May 4, 04:32 PM
    Try the full reset as iceterminal suggests. May cases of corrupted software can cause battery drainage. Also make sure you are running the most recent OS.

    If that does not solves it and you are still on warranty take it to the Apple store for a battery replacement.

    Also here is the official Apple info on battery care:

    Hope that helps.


    lil jon without sunglasses. Ray Ban Sunglasses Womens
  • Ray Ban Sunglasses Womens

  • Doctor Q
    Aug 12, 01:34 PM
    Hmm... an Apple website replaced by a section on iTunes... this is obviously proof that Apple intends to pull the entire World Wide Web into iTunes and create a walled garden where the entire internet is controlled by THEM, MUHAHAHA!
    Good idea. They could call it the Apple Online Living-room, AOL for short. :)


    lil jon without sunglasses. You may not be able to reach
  • You may not be able to reach

  • elppa
    Apr 27, 05:29 PM


    lil jon without sunglasses. Anyway, aside from not being
  • Anyway, aside from not being

  • mstrze
    Dec 31, 11:22 AM
    Look at it this way, if you want your iPod Touch to look as generic as the millions of others; be my guest, but I'd rather be a rebel than a person who's willing to be one of the iPod Touch owners afraid of change...

    Why even buy an iPod Touch like the millions of other sheep and continue to line God Jobs' pockets when you could buy some other device and give Steve-O the finger?:confused:


    lil jon without sunglasses. john galliano dresses 2010.
  • john galliano dresses 2010.

  • Cuddles
    Dec 31, 04:08 PM
    Ps3 has a crappy browser. I heard they may be updating it to something like firefox, but have nothing right now.

    Sorry about the Netflix, that' a pretty big loss. Streaming media, I think, works better with xbox and windows.

    Check out some ps3 games. Interested in any?


    lil jon without sunglasses. ray ban sunglasses 2011 for
  • ray ban sunglasses 2011 for

  • shadowmoses
    Dec 16, 07:49 AM
    Those kinda stories are comforting to hear as an iBook owner, mine hasnt suffered any serious trauma yet.......

    But at least i know it can handle it lol


    Feb 15, 05:44 PM
    Portishead: Live @ Roseland NYC

    Apr 24, 07:28 AM
    Basically you are freeing memory you did not malloc/calloc. Your double returnElement within the last loop is requesting space to store a double. This will be on the stack. You are not mallocing or callocing the space for this double (if you did it'd be in the heap). You then memcpy into this space (which is fine: you are allowed to do that). You then free the space that is on the stack. You can't do that. You can't free on the stack. That is automatically done when the current stack frame is popped.

    If that doesn't make sense (if you don't know what the heap and stack are for example) it's time to learn basic C properly...

    Westside guy
    Mar 3, 11:24 PM
    I have the Very Busy Man, although I've since found I prefer McBain's Lovechild (another Crumpler bag). The VBM is very large - the laptop pouch alone is likely big enough to hold a 17" Powerbook (I've got a 15" PB).

    The problem I found with having a big bag is that I found myself carrying too much unnecessary junk around just because I could, which of course meant an unnecessarilly heavy load. I'm much happier with the McBains because it forces me to think about what I really need to bring along and what I can do without.

    However if you actually need all that stuff, then the VBM is a great bag. Crumpler bags all seem to be very well constructed, very protective of your computer, and they look cool to boot.

    In the US there are resellers such as ( and ( - they tend to be cheaper than Crumpler's USA prices. I've bought from both, and am a happy customer.

    Edit: My good experiences with Crumpler computer bags convinced me to try out one of their camera bags when I was in the market for a new one. I must say I love my Budgie Smuggler - it's as well made and well thought out as their computer bags.

    Apr 13, 02:06 AM
    having an iphone will change your life. especially if you are coming from non-iphone phone. I can guarantee you that you won't regret even a single penny. Think of this way, Iphone is a "must", ipad can be supplemental and be a capable companion.

    I think the most effective route is to go with iphone first, then save up for the ipad.

    May 6, 07:48 AM
    WD Caviar Black here on standard 3.4GHz model from Apple store.

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