Wednesday, 18 May 2011

sfondi pc

sfondi pc. Download Gratis di Sfondi PC
  • Download Gratis di Sfondi PC

  • Jazwire
    May 1, 10:32 PM
    How long till pics are leaked?

    sfondi pc. Sfondi pc
  • Sfondi pc

  • yetanotherdave
    May 3, 07:37 AM
    store down, but the details are here.

    sfondi pc. raccolta di sfondi desktop
  • raccolta di sfondi desktop

  • Ridley
    Apr 17, 10:25 PM
    It was a video released on 4/8/2011.
    I cant link it since CNET doesnt actually show URL for videos.
    Go to Cnet, Videos, Apple Byte, and it will be the second video on the list.

    Yea, I have been corrected in that, but the argument on GPU still stands.

    Awesome, thanks! Again, really hoping for the June release. I posted before that in my biased opinion, I think it makes a lot of sense to get a new Air in time for the college discount program (i reckon the college demographic is aware of Intel's core duo vs i5 / i7 marketing) especially since i'd imagine the the Air has much higher margins than MBPs.

    Regarding the graphics capabilities, you can't use the Samsung as a benchmark because of how differently OSX and Windows behave. I'd be really surprised if Apple didn't have some sort of trick, either hardware, or drivers to beat the current graphics capability at least on paper or some obscure benchmark. Even if they didn't, the amount of time you'd benefit from a better GPU over better CPU would be miniscule in almost all tasks like iLife programs, 99% of applications and even Photoshop (despite being gpu accelerated). If you are playing games... i might be able to see the argument.

    Though personally if I were really into games or encoding stuff with badda boom or cuda or something I wouldn't be interested in an Air. I know a lot of people still are it seems from these boards, that's fine, i'm just weighing my personal opinion on the matter and would MUCH prefer better CPU.

    sfondi pc. Sfondi pc, le nostre montagne
  • Sfondi pc, le nostre montagne

  • br0adband
    Nov 4, 10:29 PM
    I've reinstalled OS X twice in the last 9 months. The latest being about 3 weeks ago when I upgraded to a 160GB hard drive. There is nothing wrong with my computer. (OK there is something wrong with its sleeping mech but that has nothing to do with performance.)
    Parallels just sucks. Also I�m willing to bet the more you use the disk image and Windows the more parallels slows down. I�ve got a 14GB disk image, a ton of apps loaded, along with being in it every day for 8+ hours, USB peripherals all over the place, network settings for home and work, firewall enabled along with antivirus software. (I can�t use Office 2003 with SAP in OS X.) I probably use it more extensively then most Mac users. The simple fact is the reason why I keep reinstalling the demo instead of outright buying it is because I�m waiting on VMWare�s solution. VMWare is THE industry�s Microsoft when it comes to virtualizing. Just without the whole evilness thing. I�ve used Parallels extensively. I�m not impressed.

    So let me get this straight: You keep reinstalling the demo of Parallels, thereby ripping off the company and not supporting it to make it the best product it can be and keep the company in business, and then you have the gall to come out in public and say as such, and then on top of that you have the even greater gall to say it sucks?

    Oh yeah, your opinions mean a lot to us now, that's for sure.


    I'll reiterate: something is wrong with your computer, and now I can see why.


    sfondi pc. sfondo pc natura a 800x600
  • sfondo pc natura a 800x600

  • Willis
    Aug 1, 10:48 AM
    'Microsoft's Zune - Long Term Effort'... yeah, in R&D. 3-5 years time for a product is crazy. The market wont want what they will have on offer in that time. Its like that origami or whatever it is. Something that cropped up on MR, and then disappeared. no one cares.

    sfondi pc. Sfondi PC per San Valentino
  • Sfondi PC per San Valentino

  • BreadMaster
    Sep 12, 09:25 PM

    2009 i5 Refurb, gets here Tuesday!


    It wasn't bad!

    sfondi pc. sfondi-horror
  • sfondi-horror

  • TheMacBookPro
    Jun 6, 10:46 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    You do realize that you too were once a kid as well? :rolleyes:

    My brother has a android phone (:mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

    However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

    What's wrong with Android? My N1 does far more than what a 3GS can do... whatever floats your boat I guess.

    sfondi pc. Fulmini – Sfondi PC
  • Fulmini – Sfondi PC

  • kalsta
    Apr 14, 10:25 AM
    Guys, which one should I get?

    I've been trying to score an iPad2 and now here comes the new ix.Mac.MarketingName, which sounds awesome! So between this and iPad2, ATV2, Air, MBP, iPhone, Mac Pro, Nano and iMac, what should I get?

    Mostly I would use this for web surfing and light photo editing, but it also needs to dry laundry and serve as daily transportation for my 8 mile commute. But, I'm worried the new ix.Mac.MarketingName requires Z-rated tires, which are quite expensive. I'm also curious whether, with the right apps, the ix.Mac.MarketingName can serve as a prophylactic or if it's better to have a dedicated device for that.

    Thanks for the laugh Cheerwino! You had me in stitches. :)


  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 14, 06:47 AM
    In the end, the iPhone 5 will probably be like this:

    1. Will look like a "thicker" 4G iPod touch.
    2. Display is now 4" IPS LCD touchscreen that goes almost all the way the edge of the device on the left and right side when you hold it vertically.
    3. The back will now be grey color, mostly because the back is now a Liquidmetal metal back. We can rule out carbon fiber back due to normally high production costs for carbon fiber parts.
    4. Will have completely redesigned antenna designed so you don't get signal loss regardless of how you hold the device.
    5. Will use Apple A5 dual-core CPU/GPU.
    6. Will use 512 MB system RAM (unless Apple can squeeze out another 256 MB of RAM internally).
    7. Storage capacities will be 16, 32 and now 64 GB of flash memory.
    8. Will use new Qualcomm or Broadcom cellphone chipset that supports GSM, CDMA and LTE so the iPhone 5 becomes a "universal" cellphone.
    9. Will incorporate the latest Bluetooth 4.0 standard connectivity.
    10. Will incorporate near-field communications connectivity that is at least compatible with the Sony-developed FeliCa standard (very necessary for use in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea).

    sfondi pc. sfondi pc hello kitty
  • sfondi pc hello kitty

  • OceanView
    Mar 16, 11:07 AM
    Would you be willing to sell it? Since you would have to wait in line to exchange anyways?

    I have a friend that is REALLY looking for a 32 gig white one. He leaves back to Arizona in a couple days, it would mean a lot if you considered it.

    I just posted this so if no one has a trade for me I may do it.
    Check with me later

    sfondi pc. dark harmony Sfondi per il
  • dark harmony Sfondi per il

  • Alvi
    Apr 14, 07:43 AM
    Apple TV or iPod Nano

    sfondi pc. Sfondi per PC
  • Sfondi per PC

  • StuLax18
    Apr 15, 10:19 PM
    Thank you update for making my earphone speaker not work. :rolleyes:

    sfondi pc. Sfondi natalizi: più di 40
  • Sfondi natalizi: più di 40

  • jll62
    Apr 14, 08:55 PM
    For anyone with multitasking gestures enabled, is it me or has the animation for when you use four fingers to swipe left or right to switch between apps changed?

    When you activate the app switch, the page drops back and the different apps are separated, then zooms back out on release? i thought the last one was a continuous image with no separation?

    Please ignore me if it was the same!

    The previous animation is the same: drop back, separation between views, zoom back.

    sfondi pc. sfondi-desktop-hd-1.jpg
  • sfondi-desktop-hd-1.jpg

  • cutsman
    Apr 10, 08:51 AM
    Downtown Toronto, taken with Nikon D90 + 24-70 f2.8.

    sfondi pc. sfondo pc goloso di pizza
  • sfondo pc goloso di pizza

  • Sweetfeld28
    Apr 22, 04:21 PM
    I'm not sure if I like this idea of having a thin phone. But, I will say it does look nice.

    sfondi pc. chiwawa vestiti, sfondi pc
  • chiwawa vestiti, sfondi pc

  • Hunabku
    Jul 11, 07:42 PM
    If this ipod killer was coming out of MS central (software dev, etc) i wouldn't be concerned. However the team that is working on it (xbox) actually are decently creative.

    Also apparently ms has taken a hands off strategy to let the division develop its own creative culture/workflow. Let us remember what really drives the great products from apple - its the creative synergy of many in a culture of passionate people who truly enjoy making things together - a highly collaborative and insanely cool environment.

    Because the creative capacity of MS sucks they need to make up with it in cash and market strategy. At least they had the sense to give xbox team freedom from the predominantly borgish world of MS - multiple stupids. - sorry couldn't resist.

    sfondi pc. Clicca per scaricare lo sfondo
  • Clicca per scaricare lo sfondo

  • MacNut
    May 2, 02:54 AM
    (CBS/AP) Osama bin Laden, the long-time figurehead of the al Qaeda terrorist network, has been buried at sea after being killed in a U.S. raid in Pakistan.
    U.S. officials told CBS News that bin Laden's body would be handled in accordance with Muslim traditions, which include strict rules on burial taking place within 24 hours after death.

    Bin Laden was a Saudi national, but officials tell CBS News that the Kingdom was unwilling to have his remains repatriated.

    sfondi pc. Sfondi PC – Michael Jackson
  • Sfondi PC – Michael Jackson

  • jav6454
    Apr 21, 09:51 AM
    Since -aggie- is playing, I'll also play.

    sfondi pc. volto al nostro PC. Sfondi
  • volto al nostro PC. Sfondi

  • FX4568
    Apr 17, 08:12 PM
    Are you really going to carry all those? If you want to travel with the thing, just take what you need. I can see an Air + external 2.5inch RAID being a nice minimalist setup for video editing.

    This is a personal opinion but here: If i had to carry a 1.5 pound weighing 2.5 inch RAID, I rather buy a MBP 13. But again, this my personal opinion, and you are entitled to yours.

    Sounds like a good trade.

    1 USB port in a laptop? you must be kidding. a USB port for a TB port that is useless until perhaps 6-12 months?

    How does it effect movies? This new GPU is easily powerful enough to decode video. Do you watch all your movies on fast forward or something?
    And what are you using OpenGL for that needs that power? Most apps run fine without much acceleration.

    When we say "enough" and "runs fine" we are thinking of apps that require minimal standards. Man, when we are talking about at least quality games such as WoW, SC2, and MMO's, the difference between 320m and the Intel GPU is the difference between "playable and not playable"

    Is it huge, or is it only 30%?
    These are all just rumours anyway.

    50% in samsung 9 series. they use exactly the same processor.

    2 Replies
    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Being a non-jetsetting 3gs user, this isn't really worth it for me. Maybe I'll get it sometime, but no rush here. :-p

    But seeing that it "Contains the latest security updates"...
    It would really be nice if small patches and updates like that were distributed through the iOS app store.
    OTA updates would be a GOOD thing.
    (Especially since Apple store employees are known for insisting iPhone users and iPad users don't necessarily NEED a computer. :-/ )

    Mar 31, 12:45 PM
    Um, whats up with the brown turd toolbar? :eek:

    Oct 21, 08:45 AM
    It doesn't look like the Core i860 was overclocked, running at 2.8...

    Hyperthreading does wonder to Folding eh.

    Dec 3, 02:43 PM
    Judging by the progression in the poll numbers, looks like FUD is gaining traction.

    Does that surprise you, or is it just a comment? Right now, MS is in the highest stakes game it has been in for many year, maybe ever.

    The mighty giant has been pantsed. The cut-throat business practices of the past are not only well-known, but are also being scrutinized.

    MS does not have the best PC OS/Desktop and that is now a known fact by many.

    The business community, long a MS stronghold, has grown weary of paying predatory licensing fees for MS backoffice and the desktop. MS does not want to give this up. They want to keep their stranglehold on this market. Purchasing managers are taking a hard look at alternatives, like Apple. much is riding on Vista. it absolutely has to succeed for them. If after five years, with all of its' vast resources, Vista cannot beat OSX, Redmond's reputation, and credibility, is going to suffer badly. The floodgates may open. The wildcard is Leopard.

    MS could not delay Vista any longer. But, Redmond knows Apple has the last play. Steve just has to love the position he is in. MS has to play their hand and he can come in and trump it at will. At most, Vista could draw Windows even with Tiger, although most thing this is fanciful thinking on their part. MS is definitely scared by what is coming next (and when).

    So, we are going to see even more of this message board trolling and FUD. There are many obvious 'newbie' troll posts. But, I am also seeing some 'moles' trolling too. Some of them showed up many months ago and are now regulars. What they are doing is providing newbie support.

    The newbie comes on with a troll post, and bam, he gets a regular, or two to give legitimacy to the disinformation. The thread is off and running. Another tactic I notice is the thread subject troll. The subject line is written to be very negative, but then the first post is very much toned down, sometimes even apologetic, "Sorry for venting, I know this is rare...", that type of stuff. The damage is done and no one is aware it was a disinformation attack.

    The stakes are high and MS has been found guilty in court of doing the things I am describing. This is not the ranting of a paranoid. I happen to know a considerable amount about disinformation and the tactics involved. With a little work, you can see the same things. Look at the post history for those making anti-Apple posts. The critical eye can discern the inconsistencies in what they write.

    Apple 26.2
    May 4, 06:03 AM
    Interesting, but nothing new offered here.

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