Thursday 19 May 2011

tristane banon

tristane banon. La romancière Tristane Banon
  • La romancière Tristane Banon

  • franky303
    Mar 31, 01:38 PM
    i REALLY don't like this ugly new look. i prefer old iCal a LOT more. only missing view is the week view on iPhone ...

    tristane banon. DSK and Tristane Banon
  • DSK and Tristane Banon

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 13, 11:34 PM
    The original smart phone.

    I the first iPhone is FAR from the original smart phone. First Smart phone that was simple to use. But far from original.

    tristane banon. Tristane Banon, accuser of IMF
  • Tristane Banon, accuser of IMF

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 24, 09:39 AM
    I just found that the person that was beat up was transgender and this was a hate crime. How come this is not all over the news? I guess hate crimes are okay now by black people but if a white person did this it would be the end of the world.

    MSNBC was reporting this late last night. I think that part of the story just wasn't known right away and hopefully it will be part of the story now. If it was black on white or vice versa, it would have been obvious on the video, too, and you're right, the Easter riots would be in full effect by now.

    tristane banon. Les photos de TRISTANE BANON,
  • Les photos de TRISTANE BANON,

  • Brien
    Mar 12, 02:22 AM
    Yeah. I'll be calling Brea tomorrow to vent, but I doubt that will get me anywhere.

    And FWIW, most of the AT&T stores here in Fullerton/Brea didn't get any iPads. Makes you wonder how many of each model Apple actually got. Nobody seemed to be touching those Verizon iPads with a 10 foot pole.


    tristane banon. Tristane Banon
  • Tristane Banon

  • OneIzDead
    Apr 18, 08:15 PM
    Did you have these Gestures enabled before?

    i had to activate the multi-touch gestures with "Xcode", the new 4.3.2 update doesn't activate multi-touch....

    tristane banon. Photo : Tristane Banon
  • Photo : Tristane Banon

  • mkjj
    Jul 25, 09:16 AM
    Your kidding?

    May have been $250! released in 1992, earliest UK price I can find (old MacFormat 1996) it was still �149 GBP and that was 4 years after release


    tristane banon. tristane banon jpg
  • tristane banon jpg

  • lharvest
    Apr 12, 09:47 AM

    tristane banon. Tristane-Banon-DSK.jpg
  • Tristane-Banon-DSK.jpg

  • TrollToddington
    Apr 19, 03:27 PM
    For me and many other potential MBA purchasers, a CPU bump from the media processing abilities of the Core i processors would be welcome, and GPU performance over and above the ability to play real-time HD video is useless. We shouldn't be saddled with an out-of-date processor or forced to subsidize "unnecessary" frame rate performance just to appease game-players. And that perspective is as valid as yours.

    +1, besides, the 13" MBP + 128GB SSD provide far better value-for-money than any present 13" MBA.

    The cheaper solution, the 11", tells another story but even then anything past the base model comes so close to the price of a 13" MBP+SSD that it's impractical to get a 11" from a performance point of view, especially when it's equipped with the slow 1.4 C2D. The 1.4 i5 will provide far better performance (certainly far more than 40% of speed boost). We will still be able to watch FullHD movies despite the less capable IGP. Games. Don't tell me you want to play WoW on a 11" monitor.

    Also nobody said the processor upgrade is useless or "unwelcome". FX4568 said "We have enough to accomplish our tasks, and any more would be an overkill in the things we need our computer to process.". Overkill means the increased processor speed will not be of any use, or, in other words, useless.


    tristane banon. French writer Tristane Banon
  • French writer Tristane Banon

  • pmz
    Apr 28, 05:29 PM
    If there is a physical difference, I find it strange that Apple A) wouldn't publish the numbers, and B) wouldn't provide specific sized bumpers for the white.

    tristane banon. Tristane Banon says she was
  • Tristane Banon says she was

  • Eriden
    Mar 12, 03:37 PM
    Managed to score a 16GB black wifi iPad. Was hoping for white, maybe I'll get lucky and someone here wants to trade.

    If not I guess I'll live. I ended up 'settling' for a black iPhone 4, so this isn't much different.

    Glad you ended up getting something the next day.


    tristane banon. Tristane Banon
  • Tristane Banon

  • iSamurai
    Apr 22, 09:38 AM
    That's just another reason to upgrade from the iPhone 4 in 2012 :)

    tristane banon. de DSK, Tristane Banon.
  • de DSK, Tristane Banon.

  • killmoms
    Oct 24, 07:51 AM
    Don't forget, the 15" now has a dual-layer DVD burner too! God, I remember all the moaning about that not being in there when it debuted.


    tristane banon. Tristane Banon pourrait porter
  • Tristane Banon pourrait porter

  • Eldiablojoe
    Apr 25, 09:54 PM
    The pain will go away. And I promise that if the seer ever clears you, I won't vote for you.
    Well, would you at least make me a condolence PB&J?

    tristane banon. novelist Tristane Banon.
  • novelist Tristane Banon.

  • shawnce
    Dec 1, 02:26 PM
    Maybe it's about time Apple closed the Mac OS kernel? Umm why?


    tristane banon. Tristane Banon, qui a affirmé
  • Tristane Banon, qui a affirmé

  • Schnebar
    Apr 1, 07:57 AM
    Took this over Spring Break in Delphi, Greece

    tristane banon. Tristane Banon,
  • Tristane Banon,

  • cms2
    Apr 15, 02:07 PM
    Yep...I mean no, er uh...iCal is ugly :(

    That really is disheartening. I used iCal for years in school, and now that I'm starting my own practice I've got the entire office scheduling through iCal. I guess ugliness won't be a good reason to switch to something else... and I'll hold out hope that Apple makes this "feature" optional before Lion is released. Unlikely, though, I'd guess.


    tristane banon. Tristane Banon a raconté son
  • Tristane Banon a raconté son

  • dongmin
    Jul 24, 10:15 PM
    If this patent is anything close to reality, Apple may be prepping something much bigger than an iPod, something closer to a full-featured OS X tablet computer. You'll be running a full-featured version of iTunes, not just the simplified UI of the iPod:

    tristane banon. down Writer Tristane Banon
  • down Writer Tristane Banon

  • roguedigital
    Apr 14, 04:50 AM
    Someone has already pointed out the roman numerals ix mean 9, but no one has put 2 and 2 together ....

    What about the saying about being "on cloud nine"?

    I'm thinking it's a little inside pun related to cloud-based services that haven't had their marketing name released/finalised yet.


    tristane banon. Tristane Banon / MAXPPP
  • Tristane Banon / MAXPPP

  • Jethryn Freyman
    Mar 31, 04:36 PM
    That is really, really ugly. Like, really ugly. I cannot imagine having that brown turd interface open on my second monitor all day... blargh!
    This, and I don't know why Apple feels that their apps (iCal, Address Book, iBooks) must look like real physical calendars and address books.

    Oct 24, 08:04 AM
    Apple's headline: "...Seatbelts Sold Separately."
    Bad marketing, seatbelts suggests crashing.

    Apr 12, 09:50 AM
    June 6 people, June 6...

    Apr 25, 07:30 PM
    Not wise to step in and try to break up this fight. Knock someone's tooth out, you can get sued. You can get beaten up (or stabbed, or shot) yourself. Whoever called the police and told the attackers they were on their way did the right thing.

    You might see this as "warning" them, or helping them to get away; I see it as an effective way to get them to leave the victim alone.

    How about someone with a penis and breasts?

    I fit this mold; I use the men's room. :o

    Jul 12, 01:07 AM
    At $79 a year it will probably be 5 years before the program moves to a commonly useful level where it may have the ability to replace MS Office. The very casual Word Processor user will not have to wait very long, maybe Pages 3 or Pages 4. With the 5 X $79 = $395 we move into the price range of the non-educational price of MS Office. But for the heavy Office user, 5 years may not be long enough...

    Hmm... Let's start with the idea of present value. $79 spent a year from now isn't worth $79 today. So, $79 a year for the next five years is actually only worth $300-$361 (assuming a possible APR of between 3% and 10%). Now, that's compared with $399.95 for Office. Hmm. But there's another factor here. If a given upgrade doesn't have any features that are compelling to you, you don't have to get it. Wow! That would mean that iWork would be even less!

    Now, all of that being said, of course if iWork isn't functional for you now you shouldn't get it. But if it is, as this thread has shown that there are a lot of us out here for whom it, in fact, is, then there's no reason for us not to get it. So, all around, I'd argue that iWork is a cost savings over MS Office, even if you upgrade every time.

    Plus, if all you need to make it a worthwhile office suite is a spreadsheet, then there are a variety of options at various price points. These include OpenOffice Calc, KOffice KSpread (both free), Mariner Calc, etc.

    May 1, 10:58 PM
    So this obviously means a US Economic Recovery and we all get our old jobs and careers back...


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