Thursday 19 May 2011

fotos de carros chidos

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  • Los Autos Mas Chidos

  • iStudentUK
    May 2, 03:43 AM

    Muslim tradition. They are clearly being careful to respect Islam itself, to minimise any backlash.

    fotos de carros chidos. pero aquí este video chido
  • pero aquí este video chido

  • SmileyBlast!
    Apr 13, 02:13 PM
    ATV + dock connector is much more realistic.
    ATV = All Terrain Vehicle?
    Now you are talking. I could see Apple Vehicles.
    Way Cool.

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  • efectos chidos especiales

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 11:44 AM
    I can read Wiki too...

    GPL is a license. GNU is a foundation. The guy i quoted said about GNU - i corrected him as to the licensing terminology..

    I didn't read any Wikis. None of my links are to wikis. And again, you're wrong. GPL is a license. GNU is a project. The Foundation behind this project is the FSF, the Free Software Foundation.

    The guy you quoted was me. You didn't correct me at all, you posted a ton of wrong information.

    And licensing terminology ? I didn't even get it wrong. I said Bash was part of the GNU project, you said "No, Bash isn't GNU, it's GPL", which is both very wrong and quite misunderstands the terminology used by the FSF.

    Look, you were wrong, drop it, you're only digging yourself deeper into your hole here.

    fotos de carros chidos. CHIDO. Comentarios ( 3 ):
  • CHIDO. Comentarios ( 3 ):

  • Cloudane
    Jan 25, 06:39 PM
    Not a stock expert, but I do know the tech industry on the whole is suffering a bit of a slump at the moment. Redundancy cometh where I work.


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  • carros chidos de reynosa en

  • Waybo
    Apr 6, 09:02 PM
    Chip, captain of the Far Tortuga. George Town, Grand Cayman Island. Our sail on his 43 ft x 20 ft. catamaran, "Far Tortuga," and swimming with the stingrays, was the highlight of our week-long Western Caribbean cruise.
    Nikon D3100 w/ Tamron AF 18-270mm f/3.5-6.3
    ISO 110, 60mm, .33 ev, f/5, 1/200.
    Shutter priority. Hand held. Built-in flash. Polarizing filter.

    fotos de carros chidos. chido el carro, es de alguna
  • chido el carro, es de alguna

  • EricNau
    Apr 14, 02:40 AM
    It's the mythical xMac! :p
    How do you pronounce that? Ex-Mac or Ten-Mac? ;) :D


    fotos de carros chidos. de paisajes chidos que me
  • de paisajes chidos que me

  • rxse7en
    Jul 28, 08:56 AM
    The OP statement was that the 360 was the only HD player on the market right now. Which clearly isn't true. Upscaling isn't HD in my book. But that is me.

    I think the OP was talking about game play in HD. I've tried the component HD cable for my PS2 on my plasma HDTV and it's nicer, but it's only 480p at best, depending on the title. I use an upscaling DVD player that outputs to 1080i and though it is HD, it still doesn't have the image data of a true HD title. The only time I've been able to see REAL HD is through my DishTV HD programming--again, depending on the source--or connecting a Mac to the plasma and viewing Apple's HD trailers. You're right though, the HD content still isn't readily available.

    Read a rumor about MS dropping the price of the 360 by $100 for the holidays to help combat the release of the PS3. That would put it almost half the price of the PS3!

    fotos de carros chidos. Imágenes chidas de gente rara
  • Imágenes chidas de gente rara

  • blackout8
    Jul 28, 07:22 AM
    If it has any features like Pandora or i'll be very interested... albeit I already have those two for free... As long as the 'finding new music' feature is better than the iTunes Mini store, which is down right bad. Bring on a pandora like stream but with intergrated purchasing features, so that you can in a way try before you buy, as well as find more music.

    That would work wouldn't it - i know it would get me purchasing more music online. O WAIT! DRM... nevermind ignore this whole post :rolleyes:


    fotos de carros chidos. autos en
  • autos en

  • ipodrocker
    Oct 24, 08:02 AM
    wow! im so happy apple does it again fresh updates and now the superdrive supports DL burning!! and speed is up to 6x not bad, 1gb ram as standard is good too ** and FW 800

    fotos de carros chidos. chidos poemas chidos de tea
  • chidos poemas chidos de tea

  • Metatron
    Sep 29, 11:29 PM
    Don't you just love AT&T? :D

    (BTW, there's a few good reasons I use Verizon.)

    One of those reasons is that there is no AT&T signal at my house.

    Having worked very closely with the head engineers of AT&T, I do feel sorry for them. As someone stated earlier, that are spending billions to upgrade the network, but all that money will only meet current demand in some areas. The iPhone is such an incredible success that AT&T never had a chance. The same would be said about Verizon had they got the exclusive contract. If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.


    fotos de carros chidos. Los Autos Mas Chidos
  • Los Autos Mas Chidos

  • rusty2192
    Apr 9, 08:47 AM
    Spent the day yesterday at Keeneland Race Track for opening day of its spring meet. I'll be heading back both today and tomorrow. I still have a ton of photos to sort through and process, so there should be more coming. I just wanted to get one up to set the mood :D (
    IMG_3626 ( by Rusty2192 (, on Flickr

    fotos de carros chidos. Viejas sobre carros…
  • Viejas sobre carros…

  • Hutch98R1
    Jan 30, 07:45 PM
    Here is my question with the market....

    A year ago, when Apple was at 80 and the iPhone and all the new products had been announced, I figured everyone knew how great these products were going to be and had already inflated the price of the stock to a high 80. So, I decided not to buy.... well, as we know, the stock rose over 200. Everyone bought much later on.

    So, does this translate to: In a market that I know a lot about and believe in, even though new product news is out, before profit/financial news it out, should I still buy?
    (Yes, I am relatively new at this... flame on)
    It just drives me nuts, that I knew things were going to do well, and thought everyone already knew and had bought.


    fotos de carros chidos. Fotos Chidas,
  • Fotos Chidas,

  • bigandy
    Oct 19, 04:45 AM
    What about all of those profits from the XBox 360????? Don't those things just consist of about $8.00 worth of plastic????? :p

    umm, actually it's a well known fact that (a) consoles are always sold at a loss to entice customers, and (b) microsoft loses over $100 on each console sold.

    they make up for this on the rather large profits made on games and licensing games for the platform...

    fotos de carros chidos. esta super chido el carro
  • esta super chido el carro

  • walshlink
    May 4, 02:22 AM
    Absolutely correct...not June or July...

    August 1st.

    Who really cares when it is released...the iPhone 4 is still an amazing piece of hardware...still "wows" me everytime I pick it up.

    The most important point...we know a new one will be released...guaranteed. Can't say that about Blackberry or others these days...


    fotos de carros chidos. azul del carro festejando
  • azul del carro festejando

  • SeanZy
    Mar 11, 12:14 PM
    Seriously that many people at Brea already? Wow... I work at 6... looks like I wont be getting one.

    fotos de carros chidos. 3-super-wallpapers-autos-
  • 3-super-wallpapers-autos-

  • emotion
    Jul 25, 10:23 AM
    This is great but I do have a question..
    Since it's bluetooth and Apple says it works within 30 ft.What happens if you're in a starbucks and other people have bluetooth turned on ?
    Will they be able to "hack" your Mighty Mouse?

    You need to read up on how Bluetooth pairing works. The short answer is this doesn't happen. It'd be a slightly pointless protocol if the above could happen.


    fotos de carros chidos. son mis carros. que chidos
  • son mis carros. que chidos

  • peapody
    Jan 30, 09:39 PM
    Just went there for the first time yesterday to be disappointed =/
    Expensive and nothing special. The Habit is a better option imo :)

    Aw I hate it when food is disappointing. I have never had The Habbit, so maybe that is why my five guys burger was delicious haha.

    fotos de carros chidos. Publicado por chido en abril
  • Publicado por chido en abril

  • Kwill
    Apr 14, 05:00 AM
    With short production and pent-up demand, the white iPhone 4 will be a collector's item.

    fotos de carros chidos. chidos tambien tuneados
  • chidos tambien tuneados

  • jessica.
    Jan 31, 03:53 PM
    This Rattleware espresso tamper

    That just looks ... well not like something I'd stick in my coffee.

    Apr 21, 10:03 AM
    Since -aggie- is playing, I'll also play.

    i figure it can�t be worse than last game.;)

    May 3, 08:24 AM
    Did Canadian prices actually go down? The 27-inch: 3.1GHz is only $1999, when I think it was $2099 before the refresh.

    Oct 20, 07:07 AM
    I thought I did everything right but... I did find that it was running another wu on 8 cores after I set it up, duh. Fixed that but it still won't pick up the bigadv so I thought maybe they are out of them? it will pick up normal wu's if it can't get bigadv one's. And maybe I need more than 6 GB of ram?

    check out this thread ( near the bottom it says about a new binary

    It is usable, but when you use it on your lap, it gets warmer and the CPU throttles down, resulting in slower times. I don't use it much so it works, and is under warranty... I rests on a laptop stand. It is the original 1.6Ghz, but seeing how some reputable magazine saw the slowdowns on the 2.13Ghz even more, not tempted to upgrade.

    Yes. It's a great machine and very capable. I don't experience any overheating issues or such. However, at night, when I'm asleep, I run it on a cooling pad in the kitchen for those "just-in-case" moments. However, during the day, I just run it without the cooling pad since it's pretty loud.

    wow. i'm very surprised that ya'll are folding on an air. it seems the fans come on my air when watching a youtube video.

    Jul 24, 11:27 PM
    No freakin thanks. Its already hard enough to control the touch sensitive orange ipod because its so "touchy." It would literally be impossible to use the ipod without looking with an interface like that, driving with an ipod would go from dangerous to suicidal. Its not the least bit practical and would just be a gimmick.

    Its just an all around NO for me. One hand control would be a pain, no-look control would be impossible, the learning curve would take awhile to get used to because it would be the first thing with controls like that, no cases, pretty much no everything. Bad idea.

    Apr 12, 11:01 AM
    As a few others have said, the software is where it's at. Apple knows this. I dont think it really matters when they come out with another iPhone. They've got an amazing device with the iPhone 4 that can run pretty much anything normal people throw at it. If they can update the software to correct the few flaws it does have, it's going to be the perfect phone and the 5 will just further refine that. Everyone should really be focused on the conference in June.

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