Thursday 19 May 2011

mr strauss kahn

mr strauss kahn. against Mr. Strauss-Kahn
  • against Mr. Strauss-Kahn

  • SeanZy
    Mar 16, 09:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow I wish I got to brea earlier. About 35th in line. I wonder how much it would take to buy the first spot in line....

    More than it would be to just buy my white 16 gig wifi.... haha

    mr strauss kahn. Mr Strauss-Kahn#39;s lawyers have
  • Mr Strauss-Kahn#39;s lawyers have

  • smilechild
    Apr 23, 08:46 PM
    I've waited for this for so long, I hope the iPhone comes to T-mobile this year... it would be an answered prayer!!!

    mr strauss kahn. polarised on Strauss-Khan
  • polarised on Strauss-Khan

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 18, 10:52 AM
    What, pray tell, is in a 'vegitable'?

    mr strauss kahn. Dominique Strauss-Kahn is the
  • Dominique Strauss-Kahn is the

  • vincenz
    Apr 23, 07:57 PM
    I'd be surprised if this comes true. T-Mobile's network is not exactly up to par with AT&T and Verizon.


    mr strauss kahn. Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62,
  • Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62,

  • d4rkc4sm
    Apr 23, 03:40 PM
    seizure looks fake

    mr strauss kahn. Strauss-Kahn#39;s offer of a $1m
  • Strauss-Kahn#39;s offer of a $1m

  • timmillwood
    Oct 24, 08:58 AM
    The 17" is cheaper by the way if you opt for the 100GB drive. In the last revision you didn't get a price drop on it. Now you do. With a higher education discount I could get a beast of a machine for the price of a 15" MBP.

    I wish they offered the 120GB HDD i dont need 160, but 100 is too little, 120 is just right + would save me nearly �60


    mr strauss kahn. Mr Strauss-Kahn is due to stay
  • Mr Strauss-Kahn is due to stay

  • Intell
    Apr 29, 10:21 AM
    "Time to press the magic button!" lbro said as he pushed a big blue button in the middle of the wall. chrmjenkins saw his life flash before his eyes. When his life stopped flashing itself in front of him, he saw a beautiful blue planet below. He at first thought it was Earth, but his hopes where soon shattered when lbro started shouting "Mammariea! Mammeriea! We made it on the third try!"

    "I'm ever so cheerful to tell you that we are not orbiting the planet of Mammeriea, but the planet of Stupig." jav6454 commented. "Stupig! Take the ship down! I have a score to settle here!" demanded lbro. Down through the clouds the ship went reaching speeds that would have shamed even the fastest falling object. It landed just outside the biggest city, Cornilith.

    lbro marched, with his two companions in tow, up to a little shop called Moyank's Strip Sandwich Ship Shop. After waiting in line and paying for some tickets, they soon sat down in a large auditorium. As the lights dimmed, a voice rang out across the darkly lit stage. "Welcome to my humble show and stage! Please enjoy yourselves and feast upon good feasts!"

    The lights gradually came back up and revealed Moyank24 sitting on a stool behind a deli bar wearing a butchers outfit. "You there, in the front row! What kind of sandwich do you want?" She went around rows making sandwiches and presenting people with food. lbro was waiting for her to arrive. When she finally did he told her "I'd like the sugar cube that leads me to Mammeriea please." Moyank24 thinking this was a secret code that he had just made up, replied "We don't' have any sugar cubes. In fact, there isn't any sugar any where in this building. What kind of sandwich will you be having today?"

    "I'll take peanut butter and jelly please." pipped up chrmjenkins. "PBJ it is." said Moyank24 as she walked back up to the stage to make him a sandwich. lbro, not happy for the lack of the sugar cube, turned to leave chrmjenkins and jav6454 alone in the sea of sandwich eating people. When he was approaching the fifth tot he last step from the exit, a shot rang out across the large room. He spun around to see Moyank24 fall into the orchestra pit, sandwich and tray following her.

    Now horrified, he grabbed chrmjenkins and jav6454 and rushed them to the ship. "My sandwich!" exclaimed chrmjenkins. lbro, now very shaken up, decided to let jave6454 press the magic button. The ship vanished on the spot. Causing the indigenous multi legged people to wet all their crotches at once.

    mr strauss kahn. Dominique Strauss-Kahn was
  • Dominique Strauss-Kahn was

  • Aetherhole
    Mar 15, 04:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Well I got to see Mystikal and Hasan Daddy get theirs after my failed attempt at Irvine spectrum. I was the Asian guy with the buzz cut hair. Unfortunately I got to Fashion Island to late. Congrats to you two!


    mr strauss kahn. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head
  • Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head

  • jbanger
    Oct 26, 09:19 PM
    the picture at the top of this page freaks me out :eek:

    mr strauss kahn. Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Maid
  • Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Maid

  • twoodcc
    Nov 5, 05:22 PM
    Both computers now up-and-running. No complaints from the designers regarding poor performance :)

    I'm running the standard client, I'll look into the other options when I got some spare time.

    It's quite remarkable to see the performance boost compared to my G5 dual 1.8 that's been folding for years.

    glad to hear it. just so you know, the bigadv units will get you some big time points. it really is worth it if the machine is fast enough, and i'm pretty sure those are


    mr strauss kahn. Lawyers for Mr Strauss-Kahn
  • Lawyers for Mr Strauss-Kahn

  • roblawton
    Apr 22, 04:15 PM

    Looking forward to what happens with the gestures currently in development. Especially for what it will mean for the iPhone.

    mr strauss kahn. Mr Strauss-Kahn is currently
  • Mr Strauss-Kahn is currently

  • arogge
    Jun 7, 03:00 AM

    We should get rid of the stupid Parental Controls in OS X. I've already been locked out once, and it may happen again. For some reason, Safari suddenly decided that several of the Websites that I'd been using were inappropriate for me to view. These included at least one federal government Website.

    The Parental Controls weren't even activated, at least not that I could tell. The only thing that was running was a keyword filter for Safari, which I didn't intentionally activate. Parental Controls have no place in an operating system that is being used for real work. It's one more thing that can go wrong, and it's a waste of disk space.

    Parents should learn to supervise their children while a child is using the computer, and if they don't care to supervise or aren't educated enough to understand how that computer works, they shouldn't own a computer. I am so tired of hearing these news stories about how the parents "didn't know" that their child was doing something illegal or was being bullied for months. How can you not know what's going on in your own home, on the computer that you bought?

    A computer was not meant to be a toy that could be used by anybody above a 2nd-grade reading level. These same whiny parents then turn around and blame the social networking companies, blogs (used as another name for "chat rooms"), cell phone companies, schoolteachers, and anybody else that could be connected to their children through technology, but they never seem to want to blame themselves for being bad parents who like to forget that their children exist. Considering the number of downright-dumb parents that I've run into, I'm surprised that the society does as well as it does. These people are frankly too stupid to live, and they're the reason why most everything these days comes with disclaimers, warning labels, or nanny features that try to prevent you from hurting yourself and others.

    There's even this latest thing that demands restaurants start putting on their menus how many Calories are in each of their foods, because the dumb people don't understand that eating fried foods and sitting on their butts all day can eventually make you fat. I've been deliberately ordering foods with the warning labels just for fun. Oh, this has 2,100 Calories? Is that bad? The nannies want you to say yes, you say? Good, I'll take that and a large soda, and how about a couple of sides too! Uno Chicago Grill was one of the restaurants labeled for having too many Calories, yet after 10 years of eating what the nannies say are dangerous foods, I'm still not fat. Stay out of my favorite foods!

    People should be forced to take responsibility for their own lives much more often, and this nonsense of allowing frivolous lawsuits should end.


    mr strauss kahn. chat with Mr Strauss-Kahn
  • chat with Mr Strauss-Kahn

  • 4ndy
    Apr 22, 04:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Looks ugly and much like a photo shopped iPod touch. Plus the bottom is to thin to support the 30pin as the iPod touch is just about big enough and losing half it's depth would be to narrow. Plus getting screen plus a5 plus screen into that form factor doesn't seem possible oh and don't forget a decent battery.

    mr strauss kahn. Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62 years old
  • Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62 years old

  • plinden
    Oct 18, 04:34 PM
    As always, the iPod is Apple's real cash cow.
    Pity you didn't read the figures before commenting:


    mr strauss kahn. Mr. Strauss-Kahn#39;s [alleged]
  • Mr. Strauss-Kahn#39;s [alleged]

  • sevimli
    Apr 21, 10:20 PM
    Go samy go!

    mr strauss kahn. before Mr Strauss-Kahn#39;s
  • before Mr Strauss-Kahn#39;s

  • slffl
    Jul 21, 12:00 PM
    I'm still wondering what is good about this. I see it as a bad thing. More viruses, more crap shareware, lesser quality products.


    mr strauss kahn. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, left,
  • Dominique Strauss-Kahn, left,

  • knownikko
    Apr 22, 05:45 PM
    A phone shaped like the illustration would be an ergonomic disaster, in my opinion.

    I heard a rumor it was designed by the guys that do the Mac mice.

    mr strauss kahn. Mr Strauss-Kahn will be
  • Mr Strauss-Kahn will be

  • biggest father1
    May 4, 12:58 AM
    I'm not saying this is fake but I work for AT&T Business Care for billing and some technical calls. We haven't been told this information yet so I don't see why that person would know. The only information we've been getting lately is the progress on AT&T buying T-Mobile.

    mr strauss kahn. Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a possible
  • Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a possible

  • -aggie-
    Apr 30, 10:14 PM
    Which is why the real party begins after we know you are gone. When the kids are away, the adults will play. ;)

    Lap dances FTW.

    Apr 30, 04:02 PM
    That's what he said. Reread what he wrote.

    He�s from Ireland, so maybe it�s a language barrier. :)

    May 1, 10:45 AM
    Appleguy will bring them to you when he leaves the kiddie party.
    There are no wings there, but I can bring him some Gerber.

    Apr 12, 03:09 PM
    Exactly in the same boat except my 3G has a shattered screen with bits of glass that has fallen off. It has gone through hell and back but, I decided to wait since June is only a short wait away. Now, supposedly its been pushed back to september and I am planning on getting a new phone in either june or july since I will have some extra cash and can move to verizon on a family plan. I dont want to get the 4 when the new one is right around the corner. So, this pushing back to september means I'll probably move to the Droid. Hopefully the announcement is still in june and these rumors are just to throw us off since the last iPhone announcement wasnt very exciting since we all knew what was coming.

    Apr 13, 01:55 PM
    man how much would this thing cost? the 27" display is already 1000 bucks, and this would have to be at lease 42" for people to put it in their living rooms.

    May 2, 10:10 AM
    Will an apple store employee tell me if I harass them all day or bribe them with monies? Or don't they know either? :confused:

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