Wednesday 1 June 2011

animated desktop wallpaper windows 7

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  • macsaregoodmkay
    Apr 27, 06:04 PM
    We need finer control over location. All we get to decide is yes or no. We should be able to decide what an app is going to do with the info.

    Example: I'd like my maps app to use my location ONLY to tell me where i am. NOT share my location.

    These broad agreement terms are the reason i have never installed an application on facebook. the terms are like "allow this application to access all your files, post to your friends walls, share your info, access your friends' info, etc. By clicking agree, you are allowing it to become your new spam bot.

    In this new era, clicking agree should not be legally binding. Every time I want to update safari or itunes or install any new program I need to read 120 pages of legal speak? I'd have to hire a lawyer full time for years to get thru it all. I challenge anyone to read and understand every agreement in every app on your computer. For all we know there is a clause in there that says they own your firstborn. This is not directed at apple, this applies to all companies and developers.

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  • CyberBob859
    Nov 19, 11:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Those iPad shipments mustn't fell off a truck.

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  • munkle
    Nov 11, 02:04 AM
    Quicksilver also has a lot of pretty useful plug-ins, which you have to download separately. For example, a pretty handy address book module which allows you to display telephone numbers/addresses etc in large type through Quicksilver. Development is very active, the developer is already talking about how Quicksilver is going to be incorporated into Tiger and best of all it's all free.

    There is a steep learning curve to get the most out of Quicksilver and unfortunately the documentation isn't great. But even if you only use it to invoke apps it really is a great app and highly customisable. I find it preferable to LaunchBar, although Quicksilver doesn't 'learn' as well as LaunchBar does. So check it out!

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  • farmboy
    Apr 4, 11:21 AM
    Stop with the FUD already. Businesses operating in the EU cannot do this. Just because corporations in the USA can, doesn't mean the rest of the world is the same... :rolleyes:

    What if they just "share" it and don't formally "sell" it in the EU? Either way, I would want a way out.


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  • ghostface147
    Apr 7, 02:00 PM
    This is great. I recall a year ago that a few of us were at a friends house playing Tecmo Bowl. Another friend, who isn't a gamer and stuck in books, looked up and said this is funny. You guys have a Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, HDTV, 7.1 surround sound and you're having a blast playing a 20 year old game that looks like crap.

    Kinda like this Atari thing. Powerful mobile phone that can do Unreal engine based games, yet people are thrilled for Atari games. Pretty funny and cool. Fun is fun right?

    animated desktop wallpaper windows 7. Animated Desktop Wallpaper
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  • tktaylor1
    Apr 1, 11:36 AM
    this is mine right now but i am switching it later on today because the real opening day is today. RED SOX NATION!!!!


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  • PRPS
    Feb 24, 03:14 PM
    nicee, i just copped the apogee duet about 2 weeks ago...def a great purchase for my price range

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  • gkarris
    Apr 7, 02:06 PM
    What is the name of the game at 03:02?

    Missile Command...

    Needs the Trackball, though... ;)


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  • gnomeisland
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    this is why carrier competition is important. The t-mobile deal needs to be struck down by regulators.


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  • Remel
    Mar 25, 10:07 PM
    google maps itself is pretty crappy compared to Bing maps and some of the higher cost mapping solutions out there. google maps is hardly ever updated

    I agree. On a recent trip Google maps showed me roads that no longer existed and other street names which were clearly wrong whereas Apple maps app had the correct information.

    I know I'm in Australia which may not be that important to Google, but Apple seems to care.

    Also, the Streetview of my street is at least 3 years old as there are several newer buildings that don't show up.


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  • Tags: Wallpapers, Windows 7

  • Kiwiboi22
    Apr 25, 12:08 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why offer a cheap option, when they can make people pay full price. For a new one

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  • McBeats
    Oct 13, 07:15 AM
    the google maps tweets is AWESOME


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  • Tonyfsu21
    Jun 22, 05:11 PM
    Anyone gone to Galleria for launch day? Where does the line begin to form? I'm sure FLPD will kick anyone off the property attempting to camp out or arrive too soon. I'm planning on arriving @ 6:00 am on Thurs

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  • Zwhaler
    Jan 9, 05:34 PM
    I agree that we put lots of pressure to release the iPhone on Steve. But I am dissapointed to say the least.


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  • upsguy27
    Jun 18, 07:30 PM
    I'll be there at around 5 AM... maybe earlier depending on when others are coming.

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  • Gamoe
    May 6, 02:11 AM
    Could I use a MiniDV camera for video input (ignoring its microphone) but a USB microphone for sound input at the same time in iMovie?


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  • jsf8x
    Aug 11, 05:20 PM
    I like it. The only thing I don't love is the Weather widget. However I do like the weather there. Try this widget I just modified.

    Download it here:

    That's fantastic, thanks so much..

    I had a slight issue but I like the weather there. Now it all looks great. :)

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  • WildCowboy
    Oct 21, 06:53 AM
    Nice...I've always loved that line in the license.

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  • markelim
    Sep 6, 07:16 PM
    This month

    do you have a link to a high rez version of this for my 27" imac ??

    Apr 6, 12:33 PM

    Mar 6, 04:00 PM
    figured I would go ahead and start a thread to see what the locals are doing for the launch on Friday.

    I plan on being there around 2pm and looking to score two 16GB 3G iPad's

    What is everyone else doing?

    Apr 13, 04:12 PM
    I'm working on a project to port the recently released Shairport tool that emulates an Airport Express to iOS and Mac OS X. (Disclaimer: this app is for personal use since it uses a leaked private key, I have no intention to release it on the app store). Ideally, my app will be more of a framework or library that anyone can use for their apps. Shairport is written in Perl/C so it is not suitable for "user-friendly" deployment to iOS and Mac OS X. My app will use OpenSSL for the AES and RSA encryption, ASyncSockets for HTTP and UDP networking, and nothing else. The idea is to make this a native app, no perl, no avahi, no libao, no software ALAC decoder.

    As of now, I have the secure handshaking aspect of the RAOP protocol working as well as native Bonjour/Zeroconf/mDNS/Whatever you want to call it broadcasting working. I am able to respond to the RTSP requests OPTION, ANNOUNCE, and SETUP. iTunes will see my app as an Airport Express in the AirPlay list and will begin streaming audio in ALAC format to the app. I am successfully listening on the 3 UDP ports specified by the SETUP request, however, I'm at a bit of a loss on how to decrypt this with the AES keys from the SETUP request and how to feed this into CoreAudio.

    Couple of questions to the community:

    1) Are you working on anything similar, if so, perhaps we can collaborate? I would have no objections with starting an open-source project around this, however my code is at the uber-early proof of concept stage at this point.
    2) Do you have experience using CoreAudio and the AudioFileStream format, if so, do you have an example you'd be willing to share?
    3) Have you ever streamed audio to an Airport Express before? Is it a straight-up ALAC bitstream that reads bits from the file and spits it out as UDP packets? Are the headers intact?
    4) Do you have an understanding of what the timing port and control ports are used for?
    5) Have you looked at the shairport source code? Can you offer insights on how much of the back-end server and ALAC decoder code can be replaced by CoreAudio?

    Austin M.
    Dec 24, 12:59 PM
    iTunes gift card.

    Apr 27, 04:58 PM
    Is there a good app that I can use to move files to and from my iPhone without having to use iTunes.

    What I would like to be able to do is move mp3's over from my computer to my iPhone via Wi-Fi and have the songs show up correctly in the iPod program.

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