Wednesday 1 June 2011

valkyrie wings tattoo

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  • Wooster
    Jan 9, 07:08 PM
    Nothig significant for the computer users.
    No new monitors. No HD screens for MBPs. No new software or announcement.


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  • Glideslope
    Apr 4, 11:30 AM
    There may not be a "mass exodus" but you can rest assured that my family (4 of us) will be switching to Verizon and joining my Dad (who currently is with Verizon) as of July 1st. :D

    Enjoy your CDMA. "Let me check, gotta call you back". ;)

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  • Deepdale
    Sep 24, 03:55 PM
    Permission is academic at this point ... the answer is yes. If he's not intruding into your sex life, I see no compelling reason for you to do so in his. As an adult, one will presume he is aware of all the necessary precautions that people should take.

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  • vastoholic
    Feb 20, 01:37 AM
    Here's a few I've been using.
    Original photo by me, link:
    Original photo by me, link:


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  • Max Payne Valkyrie Tattoo.

  • eric_n_dfw
    Apr 7, 05:21 PM
    Defender is from Midway Games and they're under Liquidation now:

    Maybe Atari should buy their games?

    William's Electronics originally made Defender before Midway bought them up. Stargate was the sequel (later renamed Defender II for legal reasons I've heard)

    William's games were my favorite with Joust and Robotron (as well as their "High Speed" pinball) at the top of the list.

    FWIW, back in the 80's, Midway, Williams, Atari and to a lesser degree, Stern and Tatio dominated the US arcades. Nintendo joined with Donkey Kong but I don't remember them being as big as the 1st three until their "vs'" series came out which allowed head-to-head play.

    If these games are all Atari, you're not going to see Defender on the list.

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  • solace
    Oct 9, 03:11 PM
    hmm... laggy?

    this seems like the fastest iPhone Twitter client i've used so far (and trust me i've bought just about every one).

    switching between the timeline/mentions/messages, the loading is nearly instantenous.


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  • gr8whtd0pe
    Feb 15, 08:09 PM
    anyone know where i can get this wallpaper?

    well the one on the right is a default one... :rolleyes:

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  • rick snagwell
    May 3, 12:27 AM
    i would just bring it in, if you can't turn it on, either can they probably. and they will give you another.


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  • mccldwll
    Apr 13, 08:17 PM
    Hahaha Yea... Meant CDMA! Nevertheless... New iPhone in Feb as well as the white one later this month! Definately no iPhone 5 coming this year!

    Again, like I said, time for a new username.

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  • GuitarDTO
    Apr 28, 12:12 PM
    There were 3 or 4 comments right off the bat in this article that hit the nail on the head, and yet people blatantly ignore those comments and spill out the troll fodder.

    Verizon iPhone 4 sales that didnt meet expectations have nothing to do with:
    -Not being able to talk and browse
    -Feeling "shunned" for 4 years by Apple (big LOL at this one)

    I think it is a combination of 3 things all combined playing into this. Both the fact that users contracts arent up IN ADDITION to the fact that the Android phones are currently "good enough" to not feel the need to immediately switch. When people's contracts start expiring, the sales will continue to pick up. The other item is the iPhone 5 or 4S. Everyone is aware that a new model is coming, and when you add these factors all together, it doesnt take a genius to figure out why people aren't rushing out to buy one (even though they've probably already sold millions)


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  • ipodtoucher
    Apr 10, 11:17 AM
    how do you get the drives info to show on the side like that?

    Right click > View Options

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  • skunk
    Apr 4, 06:44 PM
    Again, i said it happens regardless of what they're wearing, but i was talking about reducing the chance of sexual assault.No, you said (above) that men would "stop the sexual assaults".


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  • FakeWozniak
    Mar 25, 10:43 AM
    Apple has a way to remove dependencies on other companies.
    I expect them to bring in Meteorologists to replace Yahoo Weather! :-)

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  • gcoghill
    Apr 28, 09:22 PM
    Why? The law requires an rights owner to defend its IP or risk losing it. These suits are just business, no hard feelings, as seen by Apple's monster-sized component contract w/ Samsung. Any yes, business is about making money.

    Every time there's a patent or copyright article and people go off the deep end calling these companies crazy/evil, etc, I wish the article would indicate the fact that they are actually required to do so or risk losing their patent/trademarks. Doesn't even matter if they want to or not.


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  • SpanishUser
    Oct 6, 11:12 AM
    I did, in fact, mean using JavaScript on page load to disable the user from changing the size of the textarea, not within my browser. It's like using CSS to disable the dotted border Firefox puts around links when they are active.

    Form elements, and the divs that contain them, often need either fixed widths or have widths that are proportional to their containers.

    Take Google ( Depending on how the layout is set up (this is just hypothetical), resizing the search box would push those three links next to it off into oblivion if they were all in a div that was fixed or proportional to the page width. It doesn't matter if Safari "dynamically redraws the page" since the div would still be calculated to be the same. Worse yet, depending on its overflow attribute, they could be pushed onto a new line.

    I'd really not like to see Safari become the next IE 5. It already has its share of JavaScript bugs. This would just mean us designers would have to spend that much more time envisioning what would happen if a user resized every form element on every page and incorporating it into our layouts. This is why I hope there's a way to disable it outright.

    I hope you remember the user CSS take precedence, the user can choose a minimum font size and run an extension like nonscript to firefox so by default
    no javascript would run.

    The Web is based in that is the reader the one that decide how a page would look if you do not like that begin to design magazines or book.

    Note: the noscript funcinality is something I would like to see added to safari.

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  • btbrossard
    Apr 21, 08:02 AM
    I couldn't find anything in iPhoto 11 to only import photos.


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  • Consultant
    Apr 20, 03:31 PM
    I'm sure this data will be coming to a Keynote near you.

    The trend is your friend, and unless Apple can turn it around, the trend is clearly moving toward a marginalization of iOS.

    LOL. Marginalized. Maybe you forgot the smiley?

    Let's see, largest mobile software store. Most profitable mobile software store (for developers). Most profitable mobile device.
    Surely it's marginalized when the other companies are giving away their products for market share (and losing money in the same time).

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  • imoguy789
    Dec 2, 09:00 PM
    Winter theme!

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 16, 11:23 AM
    Why, what good does it do, does it bring back the people who where killed? Or if your goal is just to keep him from doing it again then wouldn't locking him up for life do the trick?

    No, it's just principle. Some people just need to be "removed" from the world. It's as simple as that. Like if you rape a baby for example, i think you pretty much just stripped yourself of your right to be alive. Euthanize them like a dog, why not? And also, you don't know if some judge 50 years in the future will release them for good behavior and so they can "die in peace".

    Feb 20, 04:50 AM

    Oct 5, 06:00 PM
    Wow... that whole site is down. Too much traffic, or has Apple's top secret FBI assasin group struck again. One things for sure... don't "F" with those boys and their secrets.

    And to the Safari-haters, show some love. Safari might be a little short on features if you're used to Fox or Omni, but at the end of the day it's still the most elegant and simple browser out there, and it does have its strengths. It's RSS reader was pretty groundbreaking, and still is one of the best, it's one of the few browsers that actually handles fonts and anti-aliasing properly, and it renders CSS layouts very cleanly and without bugs for the most part. So don't hate so much. It's only going to get better every time.

    Apr 28, 10:37 AM
    If you would like an informative take on the issue read:

    Unfortunately that article has at least one fundamental mistake about how the data in consolidated.db is obtained that leads to incorrect conclusions.

    Their statement "Yes, cell towers can be “located more than one hundred miles away”, but only if you live in the Mojave Desert." gives away part of that thinking. The database does not contain a list of cell towers/locations that the iPhone has identified by itself - local geography is totally irrelevant, because consolidated.db records a list of cell towers sent from Apple. I tested this by wiping my iPhone clean, not restoring from a backup, then leaving it sit for a while on my desk on Saturday.

    Within 30 minutes consolidated.db held data on about 30 cell towers across a range of 80km, and every single one had the same timestamp. It could do this because it's received a dump of relatively nearby towers and wifi points from Apple. All the iPhone has recorded of its own position is a few strong towers, sent off the IDs of those to Apple, and received back a file with info on more towers around me that may be useful in the future - Apple selects which towers, and by looking at iPhoneTracker's dump of other folks' consolidated.db files, it's across a wide wide physical range.

    That's the biggie. The list of locations in consolidated.db ARE NOT DISCOVERED BY THE PHONE ITSELF - It's a list sent from Apple, and all entries are timestamped AFTER that information comes back from Apple, which is not necessarily when the phone was remotely near that location.

    Wifi turned out even more distant, timewise. I (and my phone :) was in a location 5km away from home, and after returning I checked my consolidated.db for any wifi points from near that place. There were none. I checked again that night, there were none. I checked again the next morning, and there they were, 1750 wifi points timestamped around 2am - that's a list of wifi points across several kilometres, for a position I was at more than 12 hours beforehand. I could have been on the other side of the country at that timestamp, or I could have been in the same place. For looking back and 'tracking' me or my phone it's about as accurate as throwing a dart at a spinning globe. For enabling me to find my own location through aGPS, it lets me find my precise location if I choose, in seconds instead of 13 minutes. I'm the one who benefits.

    Worth mentioning apart from the 2MB limit is that new data from Apple on the same cell towers or wifi points overwrites the old data. Last I looked at my consolidated.db, (because I haven't moved more than a few km) every cell tower in it has a timestamp of the most recent time it was updated; today that's Thursday morning (16 hours ago) There are no cell tower entries with timestamps before that, even though I've been checking consolidated.db since Saturday when it first showed a record of towers approximately near me. More succinctly, each unique object (cell tower or wifi point) only has its location stored in consolidated.db once, and that's its most recent known position as sent from Apple.

    I feel this log shouldn't be readable so easily, and it could do with being smaller (There's no point to stale data from a year ago on a city I haven't been near for the same time, when wifi points and cell towers could have changed dramatically) but as for tracking? It's about as close to tracking me as carrying a bag of maps is.

    Jan 15, 01:33 PM
    i got a 2G :(

    Aug 1, 07:21 AM
    Switches to a new Michael Jackson image every 5 minutes :D

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