Sunday 5 June 2011

roommate quotes

roommate quotes. Last year, my roommate and I
  • Last year, my roommate and I

  • JackT06
    Aug 29, 03:36 PM
    Does anybody know of any FREE software which i can record my podcast's. I currently use Audacity but im not getting on with it. Im after one where i can line up the songs ready so i click button and it plays click another and records from mic.


    roommate quotes. This my roommate and friend
  • This my roommate and friend

  • twoodcc
    Jan 28, 03:01 PM
    Hello chaps this is what i have brought to the Folding team .. i hope it helps.

    Macbook Pro late 2009 (2.8ghz core 2 duo) Running the SMP Client
    Win 7 x86 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.12Ghz running the SMO Client
    GPU 2 client for a Radeon 2600 XT

    also currently building a 3.06ghz Pentium D machine with 64bit Ubuntu 10.10

    I have applied for and recived my passkey and I am using the macrumours team code the name i am using for folding is fiddlesticks_13

    Hope this helps :)

    P.S if anyone more technical minded than my self wnats to review any of the config files they are welcome and also is there a GPU version for Mac or CUDA Mac version I would like help with setting it up

    hey there! thanks for joining our team! every little bit helps!

    as of now, there is no native gpu client for mac.

    roommate quotes. roommate trichotillomania
  • roommate trichotillomania

  • Uma888
    Dec 22, 06:04 PM
    my first attempt

    roommate quotes. family and quotes have no
  • family and quotes have no

  • laurim
    Dec 10, 02:28 PM
    That's true: soda/chips not loss leaders but maintained by rack jobbers.

    You could be right. I had heard from a guy who worked for a Coke distributor that there wasn't much margin on pop so when it's on sale, it's at a loss for the grocer. I drink a lot of Diet Coke so I thought he could get me a deal on a pallet, lol.

    BTW- My grocery store has had Diet Coke 12 packs on sale for $1.79 with a $25 purchase so the price controls for grocers can't be THAT strict :)


    roommate quotes. Roommate#39;s towel
  • Roommate#39;s towel

  • showtime
    Jun 23, 01:39 PM
    Hey guys, I want to buy a blackberry curve. Doesn't matter if it's the 8300, 8310 or 8320. The cosmetic condition is not important either as long as everything is in perfect working order. I'd prefer to buy a very scratched up curve if it means a lower price so here's a chance to get rid of a beat up blackberry. Please post or PM me what you have. Thanks!

    roommate quotes. Quotes Find a Roommate Get
  • Quotes Find a Roommate Get

  • AP_piano295
    May 5, 10:12 PM
    Care to give me some information? Wasn't Japan an ally to Germany? Didn't they attacked in Pearl Harbor?

    Among other things we basically placed them under an oil embargo their need for natural resources and they're inability to attain them from us in a peaceful manner encouraged them to invade.

    Also by your logic we are criminally involved in Iraq at the moment. Seeing as they were not aggressors against us, and we had no reason to invade.


    roommate quotes. Amplification Quotes
  • Amplification Quotes

  • gameface
    May 2, 05:06 PM
    I have an old iBook G4 and it tells me that no battery is installed even when there is a working battery in place, anyone have any clue to what is up?

    Your battery is probably F-ed. Honestly, I can't believe it has lasted this long.

    roommate quotes. ROOMMATE ANNOYS YOU Yo

  • Blasphemic
    Dec 25, 06:53 AM
    i got a Canon Eos 1000d with 2 lenses and a bag for it all
    i also got 350 dollars + a voucher for 350 dollars for a "Go orlando card" for my trip to the USA.
    then the usual Deoderants
    2 books and some other stuff.


    roommate quotes. Quotes About Falling In Love
  • Quotes About Falling In Love

  • bretm
    Oct 7, 12:01 AM
    it crashes regularly, even on macrumors or on the apple site!
    just make it work!

    If macrumors or the apple site is crashing safari (my safari hasn't crashed in years) you have something severely wrong with your system. Time for a checkup buddy.

    roommate quotes. justin bieber funny quotes.
  • justin bieber funny quotes.

  • neut
    Feb 14, 01:52 PM
    I could probably be shot for this, but when do you say anything nice about anything other than yourself?



    roommate quotes. quotes and thoughts.
  • quotes and thoughts.

  • neut
    Feb 14, 12:47 PM
    Just to let know everybody that i just sent my first complain about edesignuk as a moderator.

    what would we do without you mymemory ... easily the most misunderstood MR member. :)


    roommate quotes. morelorane roommate finder
  • morelorane roommate finder

  • pwtechgeek
    Jul 8, 11:12 AM
    Anyone else going to be at the AT&T store @ 53rd and Elmore? I'm not sure what time I'm planning on being there.


    roommate quotes. which include quotes from
  • which include quotes from

  • danielwsmithee
    Nov 29, 01:03 PM
    Yeah, I don't care one way or the other. At my parents' house, five iPods are fed from a single computer. But only one of these is even capable of playing video. And how often are people watching full-length movies on iPods? Other than maybe traveling, they'll watch on the iTV or on the computer itself.

    On the other hand, it would add an unnecessary complication to things.Could this be more of an issue with the impending introduction of iTV. I could just see a college dorm where one guys iTunes movies could be played simultaneously on hundreds of iTVs Maybe a long shot.

    roommate quotes. mysterious th roommate One
  • mysterious th roommate One

  • jouster
    Jul 21, 04:37 PM
    Hey guys,

    Anyone know of any drivers for a Linksys wireless USB Adapter for OS X?

    I have a TiVo with the home media option, and would like to stream music etc, but I can't get the Mac or the TiVo to see the Adapter.

    Needless to say, it came with a CD ROM stuffed with WIndows drivers.....


    roommate quotes. Quotes Find a Roommate Get
  • Quotes Find a Roommate Get

  • djepsilon
    Apr 27, 01:16 PM
    How about keeping on topic. This thread isn't about Sony. Start a thread elsewhere if you want to discuss it.


    I'm simply stating the point that I don't understand how people can keep debating this "issue" when there are CLEARLY more important things to talk about. I think because Apple is so successful they get picked on by the media and other Company's seem to get a free pass.

    ...And just because I have "newbie" next to my name doesn't mean I don't know how forums work buddy.

    roommate quotes. (quotes: weirdness, wisdom
  • (quotes: weirdness, wisdom

  • Rowbear
    Feb 25, 05:52 AM
    Hi and welcome.

    I'm kinda new myself and love it :)


    roommate quotes. tattoo quotes for sisters
  • tattoo quotes for sisters

  • ranviper
    Oct 11, 07:28 AM
    ^What did you use to make the menubar black? I see you have white icons and not the silver ones included in the maxthemes one. :p

    And updating, with black menubar and GeekTool.

    Download the Application Nocturne. If you Google search Nocturne I believe its the 3rd one down from the top. There is an option within there that allows you to invert the menubar. If you don't like the orange highlights it gives you when you first invert it just check the option Invert Hue. The preferences can be accessed via the menubar icon that shows up when the app is opened. :D:D:D

    roommate quotes. THE ROOMMATE - STUDY AND FUN

  • greythorne
    Apr 25, 12:14 AM
    what's the difference between the black iph4 and the white?

    roommate quotes. Silly Season Quotes
  • Silly Season Quotes

  • jmann
    Aug 1, 05:33 PM
    That's a cute idea. I know some people who would benefit from this.

    Apr 7, 04:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I am all against this nostalgia gaming. U have so many great games available on the ipad or iphone that utilise their potencial, why would u wanr to play games that have 12 pixels running around? I think it has more to do with people remembering the "good old times" when they havent had all that depression, fear and insecurity going on.

    Not all of it is based of nostalgia. There is a reason a lot of people play these games today. Yes a good portion of these old games are ****, nobody is arguing that. There are some gems that have become immune to time though, Ms. PacMan, Warlords, Missile Command. All great games.

    katie ta achoo
    Sep 24, 10:05 PM
    Tell him yourself, the little brat started this thread because he is mad at mommy and daddy.

    The thread starter will have to wait 18 years and 9 months to figure out if he'll let his own brat sleep over.

    Apr 27, 01:02 PM
    Besides worrying about Manufacturers and telco vendors, people need to always be aware that when they have a device such as an iPhone, iPad, and Android device, that they are carrying around a pocket, or highly portable computer.

    Security concerns you would have with data on your laptop should be carried over to those devices, and even, be paid closer attention to. You are carrying around a device that is most always internet connected, has cameras, has GPS, has Microphones, and motion sensors.

    I don't consider my iPhone a spy device, but, I keep all of those things in mind when I am running around with it ;) .

    Apr 23, 08:30 AM
    It's only valid in the US and Canada.

    d. This Plan is offered and valid only in the United States of America and Canada. This Plan is not offered to persons who have not reached the age of majority. This Plan may not be available in all states or provinces, and is not available where prohibited by law.

    From (PDF): section 7d

    Nov 21, 11:20 AM
    This is not at all strange to anyone who knows the basic business model of TJ Maxx. They buy odd overstock lots of goods, mostly clothes, so they can sell them at a deep discount.

    With the rollout of the iPad to numerous new retailers, there were, by extension, numerous opportunities for someone to get overstock. Perhaps Verizon mis-estimated the popularity of the iPad bundled with the My-Fi. Perhaps Target guessed that people would prefer the 16 GB version when in fact the 32 and 64 were more popular. Perhaps someone simply needed to reduce orders to solve a cash flow problem.

    In any case, once this happened, TJ Maxx did what they exist to do - stepped in and offered to buy the overstock at a discount so they could sell up. There's no controversy or mystery here - it's just that TJ Maxx managed to land a particularly good lot of stock.

    (To clarify, I suspect that whatever retailer sold their stock to TJ Maxx did so at a loss. Did this violate their agreement with Apple? I'd be surprised if it did - there's surely a clause in most of the MAP contracts to deal with clearance/closeout pricing. Indeed, Amazon routinely undersells MAP - the only rule is they can't advertise those prices, so they require you to put the item in the cart to view the price. I assume that whatever retailer sold off their stock did not advertise, and instead contacted TJ Maxx, who I imagine they're used to doing business with, and came to an agreement to liquidate inventory.)

    I agree with everything said here, except, I don't think it was big chain store with a continuing relationship with Apple. A company that wants to continue being an Apple Authorized Reseller wouldn't risk being cut off just to unload some overstocked iPads.

    I'll bet it came from a bankrupt small or medium sized chain of stores. Perhaps a chain that only carried Apple stuff as a side line. In anycase, somebody who doesn't care if they p*ss off Apple, and get black-balled.

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