Wednesday 1 June 2011

love quotes for her from the heart

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  • Samsquantch
    Aug 2, 12:19 AM

    You can see the full-size version here (

    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from
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  • MacUser:Batman
    Sep 28, 01:19 AM
    I was just about to go to bed when I look up at my imac to see the word of the day on my screen saver. Creepy. :)

    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • Torrijos
    Nov 12, 02:57 AM
    Anyway, they might just be waiting for a Quicktime X upgrade in Lion.

    Then again the Mac Pro interfaces are on their last breath, LightPeak could prove really important in that industry.

    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • notwelby
    Dec 24, 10:34 PM

    This is all I know for sure..

    Well my grandparents got me cool wine glasses with no stems + a $50 Visa Giftcard


    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • macwog
    May 6, 09:46 PM
    Hi all. Help with iCal please. Why does iCal automatically clear past events from calendar? My travel dates and flights for work have all disappeared. It is important that I can look back for reference for taxes, etc. Help!

    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • tallyho
    Oct 31, 10:13 AM
    Examples of cool engravings would be:

    Reward 4 Return 555.555.6789 Taylor B.
    Frank Ford 555.555.6789 Please Return
    Always in my thoughts. Love, Fred
    Always in my thoughts. Love, Claudia
    When you speak, it's music to my ears.
    Always listen carefully. Love, Charles

    Nice ideas there! How about My other iPod is a Zune..not


    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • codelathe
    Apr 27, 03:38 PM
    Ever wanted to stream your music and video collection in your home computer (PC/Mac & Linux) to you Apple TV directly. With Tonido iPhone/iPad app you can do that.

    More Info from our Announcement

    We are very happy to announce the availability of Tonido App 2.11 in Apple appstore. We, at CodeLathe , are always looking to improve the Tonido user experience and Mobile support is one of our most important focus areas.

    This application builds on the Tonido 2.0 App.

    Some of the important updates are listed below:

    love quotes for her from the heart. Short Sad Love Quotes For Her.
  • Short Sad Love Quotes For Her.

  • MacBill
    Apr 18, 11:22 AM
    For some weird reason, my plus sign for adding bookmarks is gone. When I try to ad a bookmark, it puts it on the end of the list so I have to go to the right arrows on the right side to see it. Anyone have any idea why this may be happening?


    love quotes for her from the heart. More Best Love Quotes Page 1
  • More Best Love Quotes Page 1

  • Danzsupreme
    Sep 22, 02:40 PM
    I just got a jazz drive but its scsi, how can i get a cheap converter like under $50 buxs to use on my powerbook

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  • HitchHykr
    Mar 27, 05:01 PM
    The bidders seem suspicious to me. They fit the pattern of scammers that buy something for a high price and end up scamming the seller in one way or another. So maybe the buyer will end up loosing his $450 picture!!! Poor guy. :rolleyes:


    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • Dagless
    Apr 6, 12:44 PM
    I wish I could have just 1/10000 of that right about now!

    12pb. That's an awful lot. I hope we start hearing some solid details on this service soon.

    Are Apple only going to have 1 data center? Google seem to have 30-40.
    Seems a bit silly to have a single point of success in this day and age.

    Pity those who live a long way from the server, ouch! I notice a difference when I switch content providers from Manchester to London (I'm based in Manchester) on Steam. I don't think this data centre is for use outside the US...

    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • Love
    Apr 17, 06:26 PM
    No more Mr. Nice Gay.

    May I use that as my signature? :p


    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • arn
    Dec 15, 01:49 PM
    I'll see what I can do


    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • Prom1
    Mar 23, 06:53 PM
    Serlet, is a pure (if you will) technical computer engineer... He get enjoyment about scientific computation, advanced algorithms, multi-threaded efficiency. The guy was nicknamed the "mad scientist" by Jobs himself, not because of his appearance, but because of he advanced studies in engineering and scientific computation.

    He's like the man in the tech French community.

    I can understand why he may want to leave, he's been gradually selling off his stock of Apple in recent years as well, so this makes sense.

    Apple is more iOS then OS X and since Forstall heads the iOS development, there was no viable way Bertrand could have stayed on when Apple decided to merge the OS's.

    I say it's a big loss for Apple. Though Craig should be a pleasant transition, and maybe a more frequent keynote speaker, since he's more understandable to the public.

    Serlet will be missed. He's pretty much one of the Core brains behind OS X

    I completed agree - except the part about being understandable. The ENTIRE audience got many of his jokes with Vista at the Leopard announcement and even with Snow Leopard. Just cause your ears cannot focus out the intricacies of a slight french accent doesn't mean the generic public cannot.


    love quotes for her from the heart. Posted by editor in Love,
  • Posted by editor in Love,

  • Jar Jar Binks
    Apr 25, 08:27 PM
    nevermind just started working again on its own

    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • techfreak85
    Aug 3, 05:30 PM
    A photo I took while on vacation in the Grand Tetons, WY.

    "Today is forecast to be much warmer than yesterday" ?! That's awesome! What's the script for it?


    love quotes for her from the heart. “But to see her was to love
  • “But to see her was to love

  • cecildk9999
    Jan 12, 08:46 AM
    I always enjoy watching the keynotes; Steve is an engaging speaker, and did a great demo for the new iPhone. I was waffling between the 'good' and 'missing something' choice on the poll, since I really wanted to find out more about stuff I could actually buy (Airport Express, iWork, etc.), but they Keynote was good for what it concentrated on. Ultimately, it just needs to be an exercise in patience, as I have good feelings about what 2007 will ultimately bring. And since I'm locked in to another year of T-Mobile, I won't even start to consider an iPhone until 08 (although that won't stop me from going in to play with one sometime this summer! :D ).

    love quotes for her from the heart. the heart. LOVE QUOTES
  • the heart. LOVE QUOTES

  • yoppie
    Oct 9, 06:17 PM
    Just purchased it from the app store. :)

    love quotes for her from the heart. love quotes for her from the
  • love quotes for her from the

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 19, 12:19 AM
    Why not? We have been told that his actions may have endangered or caused the deaths of important operatives. If that is the case, why should it not be a capital crime?

    Yeah, MAY have. That's hypothetical.

    Jun 20, 01:59 PM
    There is already a thread here ( :)

    Oct 10, 10:01 AM
    Where do you get those iOS icons?

    Mar 23, 10:23 AM
    Does anyone here remember all the doom and gloom when Avie Tevanian left in 2006? People were saying it was the end of Mac OS X.

    Serlet did a nice job moving the platform forward. Here's wishing Mr. Federighi the best.

    Apr 7, 10:25 AM
    My personal experience has not been bad with 4.3.1. I really wanted the upgrade for the home sharing feature, especially for my iPad. Battery life hasn't been any different in my experience, but I can't discount the others that think that they have. Does anybody have one of those fancy apps (jailbroken or not) that actually analyzes your battery with data from before and after? It would be interesting to see.

    Apr 4, 11:26 AM
    I bet they did this 1) because they can and 2) to stop people from upgrading early and reselling the phones for profit

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